General Discussion

General Discussionadvanced dota 2 glossary

advanced dota 2 glossary in General Discussion
waku waku

    burst - what lifestealer does when using consume
    meta - a skill terrorblade has
    nuke - gyrocopter's ult
    rat - meepo
    synergy - a skill lone druid has
    ss - storm spirit
    throw - an alternate name for a skill tiny has

    pls add as much as possible kthxbai

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      "gg" - 4k player


        знать - We Lost

        waku waku

          ks - kraken shell

          milk that tastes like rea...

            push - what force staff does

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                space created = feeding created


                  b = short for "blunder forward and feed 1 vs 5"

                  waku waku

                    so many of you didn't get the point
                    nobody understands me
                    anyway feed -alternate name for a skill lifestealer has


                      We need wards - we should have picked shadow Sharman

                      Dire Wolf

                        sheep stick = scythe of vyse


                          Well Played! = that was utterly shit, never do the same thing again.


                            cyka - you did well

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              That's feast, not feed. Also SS can also mean Shadow Shaman.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                ebola- need to pick techies kotl and tinker


                                  i remember having one guy in my team, like 3 or 4 months ago, and he kept insisting that
                                  ss actually means ultimate.
                                  when a fight happened he used to write to tide "ss, ss"
                                  i was like what the actual FUCK

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                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    what the ACTUAL fuck get it right. lol


                                      SS- the other team has a storm spirit
                                      missing- your teammate is missing some farm for their next item, they should have it shortly
                                      gg- hide behind rax and jump them when they have a false sense of security
                                      report xxx player- report the person that said this because 9/10 it is them that sucks. the other 10% of the time you report them both for good measure

                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                        @LaViolette, ss means SuperSkill = Ultimate. It is a common abbreviation in Asia (I believe it's mostly used by Pinoys but not sure).


                                          Pick ES - "FUCKING RETARD, I TOLD YOU TO PICK EARTHSHAKER, NOT EMBER SPIRIT!" "ES? You want me to pick Earth Spirit?"

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            lol superskill

                                            Push Now! - means go farm jungle when other team is wiped

                                            and I always mess up the gem of truesight. I call it an eye for some reason.


                                              KS - "Kill secured"

                                              I go mid - "Let's go dual carry mid"


                                                GG - Grevil's Greed (Amounts to the same thing)
                                                Diving - Phoenix is good at it
                                                Pub Stomp - Elder Titan, in a pub.
                                                Rage - When LS Uses his Avatar
                                                Smoke - Riki not knowing how to silence
                                                AD - Amp Damage.
                                                Snowball - Tusk can do it.
                                                5-man - Go, Meepo, Go!
                                                Void - Nightstalker's Nuke
                                                Haunt - Bane gives nightmares.
                                                Death Ward - 50 minute river wards
                                                OP - Overpower, Ursa's ability.
                                                Darude - Sandstorm
                                                Focus - WR Fires on a single target.
                                                Shackles - WR Never lands it correctly.

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                                                Primordial Soup

                                                  Help - I fucked up now I need your help to undo my mistakes.


                                                    Ss him sunstrike
                                                    Ss him shackleshot
                                                    pick ss storm spirit
                                                    pick ss shadow shaman


                                                      pick ss soul stealer

                                                      milk that tastes like rea...

                                                        cs - a skill that krobelus has

                                                        milk that tastes like rea...

                                                          creep - what bounty hunter does when following enemy crystal maiden walking around the map
                                                          rax - what female heroes have
                                                          recipe - the amount of different chemicals that alchemist uses to make his unstable concoction
                                                          strength - sven's ultimate with 100% less god
                                                          silence - when you type volume 0 in console
                                                          rampage - old troll warlord ultimate

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                                                            " Got bb? " - Got Bye Bye?
                                                            " b " - Push team Push!
                                                            "cs" - Counter Strike them
                                                            " eb " - Ebola Blade

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                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              BH - Blunder Hunger

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!