General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark and Pl are finally well balanced.

Slark and Pl are finally well balanced. in General Discussion

    I like the updates on these heroes, they are finally well balanced, I don't understand people that say these heroes are broken.

    The game reward players with extreme skills, on the slark games it was really difficul to kill weaver I had to pounce on her bait her ulti and then land a new pounce guessing where weaver was moving when using sukuchi, as you can see game reward slark that don't use dust. Only with extreme skills you can dive fountain and t3 at +30mn as you must have a perfect timing to use ur ultimate (just press the button).

    PL game show a new kind of balance you must be very smart and fight 1 v 5 (or 8 v5 with ur illusion) starting the fight 1 v 5 allow your ally to do most of the damage, you must bait ennemies to use all spells on you and fail to kill you. At one point clinkz wih rapiere used orchid on me and could not kill me thanks to satanic. Diffusal is also well balanced on pl as you need at least 3 or 4 seconds to burn the whole ennemie team mana.

    A small buff for slark would be to increase his base armor to 6 or 7 as he's very weak before his lvl 6 to harass tough.

    Btw I have 100% winrate with the new pl, would like some tips to improve it.

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      slark was on of my most hated heroes ive never read his spells buffs or nerfs i just hate this hero thats all
      slark isnt so Op
      lancer was op but now es counter his ass

      btw 2 normal skill game links doesnt prove anything


      My dawg


        Bot Tyrone

          People don't understand what "OP" means in dota. It does not mean that the hero is so ridiculous that you cannot beat it, and sure, every patch is going to have good heroes, but when is a hero too good? I think that Slark and PL are both too good at the moment. Slark for obvious reasons, a nerf doesn't mean shitting all over the hero btw. My issue with PL is that unless you have a hard counter, it becomes almost impossible to win, and even then, he can still beat half of his counters anyway. With the old PL, early on you could just pop dust and drop him easily with a few nukes and really keep him under control, you could spot him out in fights as well and he couldn't run away so easily after an engagement if he actually went in.


            new lancer is a bastard.


              Well I understand your point as this game was one point short to high. Would be very high if I was an asshole on smurf spamming tinker. These two games are simply my two last games where I had the most challenge in it, nothing to prove here.

              So what kind of buf you need for slark to play him, increase base armor ? buff the pounce to make it instant like blink dagger so you can hide into the trees whole game a la tinker ?

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              Bot Tyrone

                ^no you wouldn't, you are fucking awful, don't kid yourself


                  Casual smurf , most play heroes slark. You're really taking the hard road dude, you have all my respect. I apologize you for your bad behavior must be so hard and stressful to play slark vs new players.

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                  Bot Tyrone

                    >still in normal bracket after 2500 games
                    >talks shit
                    >plays in normal bracket and then calls out someone for playing against new players

                    ayy lmao



                      "normal" players solo kills storm twice or three times mid vs "very high" with pudge, game's too hard bro,
                      pudge vs storm too hard match up for storm :( , so much skills needed.

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                      Bot Tyrone

                        game so hard that you are still in the normal bracket with a 2.3KDA hahaha

                        edit: this is what happens when someone that isn't a retard plays in the normal bracket:

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                          ^ did you read previous post ? I beat very high players mid with pudge, not normal bracket, so much skills in those "brackets".
                          Games too hard indeed 24-0 at one point of high bracket.

                          I should play more broken heroes like spirit breaker and pudge, too stronk bro.

                          I'm not sure what your friend trying to prove playing at 1k mmr with ta then losing on purpose.

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                            Two heart of tarasque new meta :


                            you're op with old pl, 33% winrate, get more kda less winrate.

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                            Bot Tyrone

                              What you meant to say was that it took you 50 minutes to win a game against a team that has 1 carry and an extremely weak late game, congrats on still being level 20 even when Ogre Magi on the other team was level 22 lmao.

                              And what the hell does smurfing have to do with anything? Skill level is skill level, it doesn't matter if you've played 3 million games or two, you still play in the normal bracket, and are still there after 2500 games because you are shit at the game. Responding with "yeah but you are a smurf" doesn't actually mean anything.

                              Oh wow, 33% win rate with 3 games, I'm actually the worst PL player ever :(, maybe your average of 400GPM PL after 34 games can teach me. I'm so worried about my KDA, that is why I have 61% win rate (although pretty low level games, still higher than your games though lmao), you can decide whether or not that is linked with my 5.7KDA.

                              pls teach me how to play normal bracket

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                                Actually I was few points from very high when spaming dp. And have smurf in very high in the trash (should we say the "very smurf" bracket).
                                Now how skill lvl is so important as I beat a very high player mid using storm spirit when I had pudge ? Killing him mid before and after his lvl 6 ? Should not he destroy me ? Surely I can't beat him because of this skill lvl and it must be a special strategy to feed a pudge early that only players like you understand.

                                Now I have a challenge for you, take your worst hero ( to me it's gyrocopter) get to 3k and spam it every game in solo and tell me how many times you take to up to to 4k5.

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                                  Do you realise you have only 600 mmr more than me with a smurf spaming slark ? Or your very high is solo and high party ? I don't even want to know the answer from such an angry smurf.
                                  No one cares about you.
                                  Do you even play ranked lol or you really think players play seriously in normal games, most players troll in ranked so I let you imagine in normal.

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                                    1)tinker lol wish u knew what tinker means son
                                    2) i didnt called you asshole
                                    3) u dont know me son before u talk about smurf or sth do a research on main profiles and then cry back here
                                    4)i came to this thread and tried not to blame but okay seems u like it this way
                                    5) 2k games and playing still on normal bracket? No improves at all / brain usage bellow average
                                    6) talk better / get better got it?


                                      1) You really do like to tinker ?
                                      2) Did I ?
                                      3) Why should I waste such a time, your nothing than a kid on internet smurf or not.
                                      4) I see no blame only rage on slark, chill out dude it's just a game, pl is fine, why your so angry about these two heroes ?
                                      5) So your jelly than a normal player beat a very high in pudge/storm match up ? Then lose mmr spamming gyro.
                                      6) Can/ you/ write/ a / proper/ sentence/ ?


                                        thought u were smart enough to counter this but looking at " So your jelly than a normal player beat a very high in pudge/storm match up ? Then lose mmr spamming gyro. " i guess ur mentaly challenged .. anyway i got a tip for you read this slowly and carefully....

                                        Get Rekt

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          LOLOL its funny how nobody in here has pic lol rofl gg katka

                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                            brain usage below average? Google translate usage above average

                                            me, government hooker

                                              YOU FUCKING RETArd


                                                idk what the fuck u're talking about but slark is broken as fuck and any retard can play him cause he has a low skill cap, unlike earth spirit which is also insanely broken but only when played by a good es picker

                                                however new pl is garbage

                                                  Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

                                                    slark is not op but pl probably is

                                                    NextStep ®

                                                      When someone from lower skill bracket player being a smart aleck posting on DB.....
                                                      It just backfire hard. lol


                                                        i wasnt sober last night omg:D huesos huesos



                                                          Yup slark is finally balanced, look at this match in my low skill bracket using slark. I think somewhere in this match I fluked a dark pact which purged a global silence and reverse polarity at the same time.


                                                            Slark is broken, im using it to ímprove my mmr :)

                                                            Game is hard!

                                                              [size='40']NORMAL SKILL[/size]

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                lol, look at his games, he picked slark and won tried gyro one more time and lost LOLOLOLOLO

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  We did it boys, no more peru#ebola#cyka#player


                                                                    Of course we lost tinker and furion taking whole farm on the map. Btw how did you lost with wraith king ?

                                                                    I like how the players who spam slark in normal games get angry when people make a thread saying this hero his well balanced, they can't even have proper arguements and look simple facts like his popularity.


                                                                      5-3 with slark means nothing.
                                                                      2-0 with pl also means nothing.

                                                                      Play 30 games with each, win at least 80% of them and then tell us how broken these heroes are.


                                                                        From 3.3k mmr to 3.7 , Slark is broken for me :D


                                                                          3-0 not 2-0.


                                                                            slark's good.
                                                                            PL is okay. If you nerf him he'll be the shittiest hero there is.


                                                                              lmao 6_din get it right man. its 3-0 not 2-0 geeez. Makes ALL the DIFFERENCE. 100% increase winrate wpwp.

                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                NORMAL SKILLLL


                                                                                  Thread turns into discussion of OP's skill.



                                                                                    Actually, OP has been around a good while, talking shit and generally being an asshole to random people for no reason.

                                                                                    See other threads and when you see him post, you can bet a discussion completely unrelated to the topic will follow.


                                                                                      Well these people get angry when you talk about some heroes, I remember some of these tried to argue than dp was a bad hero back in the 6.78 6.79 updates (before pro started to pick her in competitive games).
                                                                                      I find pl way more powerful than slark btw.

                                                                                      3k Pog Champ

                                                                                        You all know nothing about the new PL. Shut up.

                                                                                        Primordial Soup

                                                                                          Here we go again.


                                                                                            How does one remain in normal skill after 2500+ games.