General Discussion

General DiscussionREQ: Matrice/Zenoth and some other high skill TB players, need info o...

REQ: Matrice/Zenoth and some other high skill TB players, need info on playing lane TB (or even mid TB) in General Discussion

    I'm kind of interested in skill builds and item builds if any of you guys played him as either a safelane farmer or mid (vs some lower tier mid hero).

    I know Matrice/Zenoth go for the jungling TB with SnY and BoT but would like to hear some other ways of playing him.

    Thanks in advance.


      Probably one of the few carries I can play quite well

      6.82 General carry, pusher

      Pages 2-3 Support TB pre-nerf

      I started by testing builds that I remembered with diffusal which I am convinced could still work with a radiance build in the same way it works for spectre or naga. However a lot of people put to much emphasis on fighting and less on objectives and ending a game when people are team fighting is the easiest thing to do with this hero.


        watch envy's games with tb at starladder


          @Havoc: I saw you don't max out meta right at lvl 7, why is that? Isn't that like one of the biggest strengths of TB in the early game? (+80 dmg)

          Also, I see a lot of pros going for treads + aquila + drums then go for Manta and BKB. Does the drum aquila pickup seem legit?


            Zenoth usually starts on a lane.


              the sy build is dead, due to the ms nerf on meta, you are way too slow to utilise it effectively :(

              Este comentário foi editado

                Safety of farm and depending on the amount that I utilize the jungle. Keep in mind by level 6 I am sending illusions into the jungle and if the team is holding or not a lot of fights are coming my way having 80+ damage makes little difference as that early in the game people will die if they come for me anyways.

                I think if it's the game you're talking about I was getting harassed a lot by the clinkz and in an effort to win back my lane control without using my meta just to make him back off I went for the illusions and sent a couple at him just to bully him back. If you're jungling as well the meta doesn't help you as much as the illusions will and the more farm you get in the early game the better.


                  tb is slower now, how about a blink dagger? makes sense?

                  i love u butt

                    seems to me like tb is all about pushing and lane sustain

                    isnt the usual items: manta->bkb->eos or something along those lines
                    blink dagger gives no stats and tb does chase well


                      Well I have seen people rush Skadi which I think is really stupid on Terror....blink is viable but that means you will be doing more fighting and less pushing which means items like SnY & BKB will become better in these scenarios if you're going blink.

                      Blink used to be core in my mind when playing TB pre-nerf but it's lost a lot of its viability as has diffusal blade.

             Blink > Skadi

                      EDIT: For unconventional and even jungle I would consider Mekanism still on TB as it helps increase the longevity and durability of your illusions.

                      Este comentário foi editado

                        mek tbs only okay for mid cos u have bottle for mana


                          armlet would be better than mek then, much more tank power for illu (and for self aswell) not to mention the armlet sunder eb ^^


                            I have just gotten back into terrorblade again after working on moving him from a support to a carry/pusher and I may give the armlet a go if I ever get the confidence to experiment.


                              Armlet should work pretty ok with Manta too. Tho I believe you will need lifesteal to use it when fighting, not sure tho. I played a bit of Void with MoM and Armlet and worked quite nicely.

                              Heard of people going Anti-Mage with Armlet, dunno how that actually works out :|


                                i lane more than matrice so yeah

                                @matrice funny you should think that sy build is dead, this patch i tried playing around with your build abit more and found it to be quite effective, just that i turn the sy into manta+sange, then disassemble manta for skadi and reassemble into manta again later. i keep the sange as a casual item or for a potential halberd depending on the enemy heroes.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  You can't disassemble manta wtf.


                                    you can.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      That doesn't make sense, I thought you couldn't disassemble any items which had a recipe.


                                        nope, mjollnir too


                                          and shivas
                                          so you can go mjol > ac
                                          or shivas > sheep

                                          and then go back for the first item

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