General Discussion

General Discussion"You don't need to play carry for climb the mmr!"

"You don't need to play carry for climb the mmr!" in General Discussion




      play offlane , go 6 , gank mid, kill mid , snowball , win

      even if ur carry is the worse , with some good offlaners you can increase ur chances of win

      Game is hard!

        Normal Skill


          ^ make love to normal skill not war :D


            "Make love to normal skill"


              delicious tears


                Yeah, my tears are fucking golden. I don't cry in the real life just beacouse i'm not 12. ;_;


                  The only reason that core roles are recommended for climbing MMR is because people make the assumption that your current MMR is beneath your true MMR. Playing a core role (particularly mid) lets you exploit the skill difference between yourself and your opponents.

                  But if your MMR is accurate, then taking the core role won't make any difference; you're just as bad (or good) as everyone else on your team and there's no skill difference between you and the enemy to exploit.

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    stop blaming your teammates, if your teammates are stupid, why are you expecting them to do smart things. no matter what position they play, they will still do stupid things.

                    first admit you're crap at the game, then you can begin the road to improvement. you aren't going to get better unless you realise that it's your own fault that you're stuck at your mmr level, not your teammates. watch your replays, see what you did wrong, and try not to make the same mistakes again.

                    if you were actually much higher skilled than your teammates, then you'd also be much better than your opponents, because they should be of equal skill to your teammates. if you put 1 good player and 4 shitters and place them against 5 shitters, that 1 good player will be able to win 1v5. look at that 6k guy who took a 2.8k account and played it until he got to his original rating. he had a 100% winrate going from 2.8k to 3.5k or something.


                      Well, the problem right now is the darn daily challenge.

                      Sometimes I want to really smash my head into the keyboard when I see stupid picks or a player feeding because of inexperience playing that hero. Even worse when I can see their history and it states 4-5 losses in a row with the same hero, then I just wanna bring in the booze to calm myself.


                        Androgynous, your example it's stupid. I'm not good as 4k/5k/6k mmr, so please.


                        My pc restart while the game i won alone and got -25mmr after i won the game.

                        What about now ?


                          fix your PC ?


                            yeah exactly, you're not even as good as a 4k player.

                            my example basically shows that it's not your teammates fault, because at your shitty 2k bracket, literally everyone is braindead and you can win games solo if you're simply not braindead at dota, you don't have to be good, you just need to not be mentally handicapped in some way, shape or form.

                            instead of blaming your teammates, accept that the reason you lose is because you are equally as bad at dota as they are - if you put 5 players who can't play dota vs 5 other players also have no idea how to play dota, you would expect a 50% winrate give or take, which is basically whats happening here.

                            you still have a ridiculous amount of room to improve, that almost all of your games are winnable alone if you played better, but you don't. when you play perfectly, that's when you have the right to bitch about your teammates playing poorly.

                            you lost mmr because you abandoned the game, what else is there to say? that's how the current system works. you abandon, you lose mmr no matter what. also there's no way you won the game single handedly, the clinkz has far more kills, assists and hero damage (meaning he didn't just last hit every opponent) and importantly, tower damage, so he actually contributed to objectives after winning fights instead of fountain farming.

                            with the exception of the crystal maiden (who is 1-14-15 i may add), you have the lowest hero damage on your team. i.e. out of all the non-supports on your team, you were the one with the least impact. you are seriously deluded, go see a shrink or something.

                            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                              The fantastic thing about carries is that if you manage to win the game within 25 minutes, you didn't even need them, which means, before 25 minutes, you can actually win the game with just 4 players!!


                                Btw i was 3k now. And anyway, yeah, with me 15 min of dc and return with no items it's ture, Clinkz had more time to do kills/damage with MY money.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  @OP if you want to succeed you also need to play a lot. Like let's say 7 to 10 matches/day. Let's say that you change your atitude, and you learn a thing or two... You also need to practice them a lot in order to increase you skill. For example I used to think like you, until i changed, i learned some things that could boost me but i still can't climb, because i don't have any time to invest in video games. In my case 1-2 matches/day with 2-3 days breaks won't get me anywhere.... Well it is not exactly your case since you play more than that but still i think that you don't play enough...

                                  And forget about the goddamned mmr, after all it's just a number. If you are bad that isn't the end of the world since you have a ton left of space to improve. I don't think that after 12 matches you'll still remember that one thing that bothered you in a specific match.


                                    why don't you play a carry or mid every game....
                                    its really easy, when the game starts you just pick your hero you are confident with and win the game.
                                    or at least lock the hero and put the icon on easy lane, that should give your teammates the idea.
                                    and btw if you think you are a support player, you are not...
                                    just because in 2kmmr or 3kmmr support doesn't exist, its just a nuker, or even carry most of the games, rushing aghs and clearing your carry's stacks. you can play lich offlane and get to 4k mmr porbably, or tidehunter, or shaker.


                                      if you can't climb mmr as support and claim to "have no support" when your carry then your at your mmr skill level.

                                      me, government hooker

                                        EZ PICK MEEPO
                                        I am 20-0 and climbing out of normal mmr


                                          @ OP, your highest win rates are lich and Omni just keep picking them and your mmr will go up. yes there are going to be games where some tard doesn't know how to carry, and you loose. but just as often that tard will be on the other team and you get a free win. you don't have any where near as good of a win rate with carrys/cores, so your best bet is to play support.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!