General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does w33 get manta on meepo

Why does w33 get manta on meepo in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    I was looking at w33's games as meepo (since hes #1), and obviously I understand at very high skill and as an item for meepo hex is #1 and super boss. But why manta as another main item. Why not eblade (can stop auto attack of non hexed carry/secondary carry, can amplify blink poof damage). Why manta when no other stronk stat items? is it for mind games?


      because you can poof on an illusion? or more right click damage? i don't know :v


        Meepo's illusions get geostrike, meaning more slow and damage output. It also means that you can scout the map with both illusions and if you find some stray player you can poof and kill. Also it's amazing how many times people unload everything into the illusions thinking it's the real meepos because it's not surprising to see two of them.


          Because microing 5 Meepos isn't challenging enough for a player of his calibre.


            manta's good for pushing, passive stacks on illusion and mindgames. i dont think he would get manta in a professional game though. skadi is better for team fight cause passive is great against most carries and gives more stats


              he gets it in his team matches as well

              Mr. Nice Guy

                well,as i knew,meepo likes more meepoes

                Epic Sax Guy

                  You have to take a Meepo illusion seriously since it might be a real one and then you suddenly have half a dozen more breathing down your neck.

                  The mind games are real.


                    The question is why not?

                    Jorges Sanz


                      Jorges Sanz

                        Manta meepo illus are extremely obvious if you click on them, its just the fact that you can poof on it. The rest is just icing on the cake.