General Discussion

General Discussionwhat did i do

what did i do in General Discussion

    You smurf.

    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

      You smurf.

      go kill urself

        high skill

        normal skill


        who do u pick

        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

          I go kill myself. (Normal games from playing with my friends but they don't have dotabuff.)

          Este comentário foi editado
          Game is hard!

            so you failed with your first smurf, now you made a second one and start failing again, how about you start realizing that you are the problem here?

            go kill urself

              ^ u realize im 5.4k if i ever want to play ranked right


              Este comentário foi editado

                you smurf, and pick axe, so ofc you lose

                Este comentário foi editado
                go kill urself

                  yes, i am the reason my safelane lina gets a sobi mask and my crystal maiden dies to a invis slark that he pinged out at the start of the game, then they go 0-7 in the safelane in ~4 minutes

                  and im beyond godlike in that game even though we end up down like 40-19 and we kind of almost won


                    in normal games i have games where i got like 55 kills dude, so what?
                    at least post ranked games if u gonna qq


                      go kill urself

                      King of Low Prio

                        you should never be beyond godlike in a lost game, saying that and thinking it means you are playing correctly shows how little you understand.


                          proud of ONCE being 5.4k in US west HAHA!, that shit is no different than playing on peru/br server