General Discussion

General DiscussionChanges to Duel

Changes to Duel in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I still dont understand why items now work under Duel when they only make passive skills work, anyway with those changes these items are now a viable pickup on LC.

    > Daedalus
    > Abbysal / Basher
    > Diffusal Blade ( very situational )
    > Monkey King Bar

    Since i usually pick up blademail, replacing blademail with daedalus would be great.

    With the Diffusal pick, since duel is only use for disabling one hero, it would be great aganst Wraith King. Not sure if it will be enough to burn his mana below 160.


      ey HAtsune I recently started watching some anime ag. and I wonder if u got some good suggestions?

      (Sorry for capping your thread, everybody else may ignore this)

      Currently watching Amake ga Kill! however waiting for new episodes.

      Miku Plays

        as much as i dont want this to turn into an anime thread, ill just post it up on the other thread.


          go ahead and do that, or redirect me to a current thread. Thanks, Hakuma!

          Miku Plays

              Ya, I agree with all these besides Diffusal, burning 25 mana when you're hitting like a truck will never be enough. Sometimes basher can be a downside, because as LC you're going to want to be attacked for more moment of courage procs but other than that, everythings legit


                ^ Moment of courage only matters in the early/mid game when you don't deal a lot of damage and you need to rely on that extra attack as a source of damage. Once you get over 100 damage you can pretty much solo anyone without having to worry about getting that proc, so basher is a fine pick up.

                Diffusal is only good with illusions, so you would need a manta (which is shit), but the combo would be: blink->manta->duel. This is why manta+diffusal is good on void against wraith king. Don't know why on earth you would get manta on LC, so that automatically makes diffusal a shit item.

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