General Discussion

General Discussionstuff that goes through magic immunity

stuff that goes through magic immunity in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Some of the stuff that goes through magic immunity seems a little ridiculous and there is so much of it, it's hard to keep track. So many ults. Like viper, all his poisons go through it right? Why? I mean if you haven't taken a lead with viper by the time enemy team builds bkb's do you deserve to win?

    Medusa stone gaze, really? Why? It's not strong enough to disable all the non bkb supports?

    Probably the worst one though is razor. Ok so his ult is physical dmg, fine makes sense but why the hell does link go through bkb? That one makes zero sense to me. He is literally impossible to 1v1 unless you're void and kill him in a chrono or some other disabler hero like doom getting doom off.

    And then you have spells that aren't even consistent with themselves, like silencer. His ult affects magic immune heroes but if they go immune after being debuffed it will drop the silence.

    Is anyone else annoyed by this?


      no, if anything lina's ulti with scepter shouldnt be like that


        no you should just learn these mechanics instead of blaming someone else for your inability to check the wiki for 5 minutes

        > And then you have spells that aren't even consistent with themselves, like silencer. His ult affects magic immune heroes but if they go immune after being debuffed it will drop the silence.

        global silence is dispellable but pierces magic immunity. what's the problem? same with track and amplify damage and bloorage.

        Dire Wolf

          The wiki is not very accurate in some cases. For example zeus' thundergod's wrath is on the list of stuff that goes though magic immunity but on the actual zeus page there is no explanation of such. I believe the damage doesn't go through, only the truesight does. Similarly ancient appartion's ult is listed on the stuff that goes through magic immunity list but there is no mention of this on his hero page. Sniper assassinate same thing, I know the dmg is blocked but you can still cast it on magic immune and get true sight while casting so it shows up on the list. The in game information needs to be more accurate.

          So no, it's not that easy to just figure this stuff out in the middle of a match when it's crucial to know.

          And then the balance stuff is just my preference. I think it's dumb static link goes through bkb. Guess no one else cares.




              in the past shit was less available. be glad its more noob friendly now


                slardar crush damage


                  All wands will break


                    some stuff you simply learn from playing. if you're that curious then just test out the shit you dont know in a private match. let the casuals be none the wiser about game mechanics while you win versus them