General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfs, Accountbuyers or Accountsharers

Smurfs, Accountbuyers or Accountsharers in General Discussion

    The higher I get in MMR, the more Accountbuyers, Smurfs or Sharers I meet. What are exactly the thoughts, that get you to the point, that you belong in a higher rating than the one you got?

    If you are a better player than your 2-3k ratingmates, and on the enemy team are only 2-3k ratingmates, you have to win more than you lose. On a big number of games you will beat your "weaker" opponents and mates. Maybe not every game, but almost every game. Thats simply logic.

    Check this guy. You get this dude in 4.4 - 4.5 k MMR, going jungledoom, with midas (12 min), drums and soooon a dagger. The item we needed, cause the enemy antimage was going ham. Idc much about this loss, cause on a big number of games the enemy will have the same number of smurfs/buyers/sharers, so it equals out. But those games are generally not pleasant.

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      > cause on a big number of games the enemy will have the same number of smurfs/buyers/sharers, so it equals out.

      wouldnt you be more likely to have an account buyer on the enemy team? theres 5 other opponents while theres only 4 other teammates.

      we all get bad games, where one teammate doesn't perform up to par. sometimes thats myself or yourself. no point crying over spilt milk, just move on.


        You are right, enemy has higher chance from my point of view (not from a neutral point of view on all games played).

        I do not mean bad games, where someone underperforms. I mean players who stick themselves in brackets, where they will underperform 100% sure.

        Common, you buy a 5k account. And then? You lose like 80% of your games, go back to your shitrating, maybe a little higher cause you had the chance to play with better players (wich causes improvment).

        The guy above clearly took the account over! He lost 16 out of the last 20 matches and I saw him playing. Slow reacion time, bad positioning etc. etc.


          yes there are lots of delusional people that believe in elo hell. but so long as you're not one, then you've got a higher chance of an underperformer being on the enemy team, so in the long run you get more wins than losses due to smurfs / account buyers / whatevers


            just keep that in mind and dont get angry over something you cant control


              "dont get angry over something you cant control"

              go kill urself

                i think if u make a smurf and u get an mmr thats where u are more or less

                but once againt heres plenty of people with 2k-3k games who think they're in the trench, look on dotabuff for examples. smurfs are not the only ones

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I hate the fact that its so easy to make smurfs and kill so much fun of other players bu stomping them so hard, making game unfair.

                  go kill urself

                    lol u dont even ruin games because of skill. most smurfs ive seen that ruin games act like 5 year olds instalocking mid and are egotistical af, but that also reflects a lot of the dota community beyond smurfs

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