well i used to rush midas on EQ voker since i can help lanes with SS and i can manage to survive mid without boots
its a good item to rush but depends on ur start.. if u have a lot of pressure/smoke enemy ganks i suggest not making midas at all and go finish ur boots or w/e
if you know you'll be able to safely get a force or something similar right after it then by all means. but u should always get boots and like a RoB or null or something before hand so you're not a sitting duck with the enemy mid having bottle and phase and able to kill u while ur running around with a naked midas as a mid.
I always buy midas first helps me farm much better and then late game i sell it when im 7 slotted
i have no clue why you would ever get midas before boots when ur in the god damn mid lane. u want to minimize the down impact midas has (basically u have no items for 10 minutes) by getting cheap efficient items to at least make your impact passable. aka boots and null or something similar, so you can still get kills, avoid ganks etc.
but definitely dont get it on QW and in qe if u need fast force staff skip it
it really depnds on who u are laning vs and how well its going.
like playing vs a viper with no boots is hrad and annoying so just get brown boots and then midas
but if viper is playing bad and u get like 6 min midas why not.
I can reccomend going Phase into midas it makes lasthitting more ez and you will probably get more out of the lane than rushing Midas ( using that midas 1-3 times ) while getting nothing out of the lane will not be worth.
Midas are for selfish people. Choose to farm instead of buying mobility/disables/killer items early to assist in teamfights. With this , it's much easier to end the game earlier.
everytime i buy a midas i hate myself, everytime i dont buy a midas i hate myself even more.
Depends if your team has early game in my opinion. If your team doens't have early game, don't get it. If your team does and you can get it under 7 minutes. Feel free to do so.
QE invoker you should buy midas almost 100% of the time. get 2 forge spirits and farm/push everything
6.82b Changes Invoker Build a lot!
Urn kicks major ass now! Midas ruins has a high opportunity cost. Only buy midas in safe lane by 5 minutes.
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i see some games that rush midas instead of a early boots/orchid euls etc sure midas help you but it delays your main item by 6-8mins also delays quite a few things any thoughts if its really needed on invoker?