General Discussion

General DiscussionV-God is the poster boy for Dotabuff Plus

V-God is the poster boy for Dotabuff Plus in General Discussion
Welt aus Eis




        Welt aus Eis

          chris = noob vrok-sama version


            You'd be amazed how many of you end up as test cases in our code base.

            Vroksnak was used pretty extensively to test the new Hero Ranking system.

            "As a user on the top 100 list it shows the list and their personal stats"
            with_session :vroksnak
            visit players_hero_path("ursa")
            expect(page.status_code).to eql(200)

            Others are used for a different purpose:

            "As a the original comment author who is now muted it does not update the comment and returns a 404"
            with_session :sampson
            post :update, id:, comment: { body: "This is an updated body" }
            expect(comment.reload.body).to eql("This is the original body")
            expect(response.status).to eq(404)

            Este comentário foi editado



                :D haha anyway is 6k points the limit? it seems so from the top 100 ursa

                Welt aus Eis

                  Hahahaha that's cool


                    There's no hard limit on score, it's essentially unbound due to the way the calculations work. Someone could be highest division, 100% win rate, 10,000 matches and a 100.0 kda. They play another match and the score still goes up (albeit by a very tiny amount). The score numbers are really only helpful when compared relatively to others. A 6k limit might be the top score today, it probably won't be a month or two from now as competition improves.


                      good to know. because it would be impossible for vork if it wasnt like that (rank 1)

                      Welt aus Eis

                        Just out of curiosity, why is this guy not in professional league? He's probably one of the best pub players in the world. He was overall #1 in the last top rankings.


                          Jason need dota coach?

                          hmmm plus account for lessons :P


                            hah im honored, abit courious about some of my heroes not being on some list tho, specially my meepo who were rank 20 on old system but is not even 100 now. :C


                              vrok... how long does the maintance last? i srsly wanna play dotaaaa... and mind partying with me a couple of games? my second acc is on the calibration stage


                                what maintence are u ok dude