General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King

Wraith King in General Discussion

    Man I've been tweaking this guy to some pretty good success. I really like him in this meta because it seems like the supports that can transition to a carry are strong. Just play him as a roaming support and be super active where you can. When there's a lull where your farmers and just farming, you can just hit the jungle and get a decent income. If your team wants to be active, no problem. I haven't really had trouble hitting 16 at a reasonable time compared to the previous patch.

    Treads are preferable for me, but phase and tranqs can work in other situations. Blink then get sny/hailbird/thunderstick is usually what I get next.

    Anyone else have found success playing supports who can transition well to the late game?


      his new ulty cd is fucked up but hes still a solid choice


        you should go blade mail, it is so stronk on WK...

        so stronk.

        Kamado Kun

          No more soul ring for ult when out of mana ;/


            activate sr when not on int, switch to int before u die
            >150 mana gained


              Personally, I don't find mana to be THAT much of an issue for wk to purchase a soul ring. Obviously, don't spam your stun willy nilly, but I don't find it worth to delay your blink by 800 gold.

              Dire Wolf

                I was playing vs a wk and a medusa on spec with my friend on clinkz. We both build diffusals to deal with their mana weaknesses. Wk kept dying in team fights before we drained all his mana, resurected with the slow and pwnd us anyway. But they worked wonders against medusa. Point is, diffusual, especially just one which is usually the most a team with have, is not usually enough. It's gotta be diffsual with illusions who do less dmg but still drain tons of mana or an antimage or nyx or something that drains a lot more mana to really be a problem.


                  soul ring WK seems to be more about spamming his nuke rather than making sure he gets his ulti off. More of an early game item.

                  Hex Sigma

                    ^agreed. Also if you have too many mana problems a kotol should be fine.

                    Heck kotol is good with AND vs wk. Too bad he doesn't kinda fit in the meta...