General Discussion

General Discussionwho failed in this game?

who failed in this game? in General Discussion

    trying to learn techies, had a nice win streak going then got this loss

    Both my carries were crying at the end saying we lost because of the techie pick

    What do u guys think? I got a lot of kills manfighting too, eul+ aghs remote mine when they land is pretty strong

    I know it's hard to give tips without watching the replay but am I right to think my carris kind of let me down, or is that DK

    had 13 kill streak :P

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      honest answer.....?

      Everyone fails if the team loses.

      Take this game for example:

      I absolutely dominated early and mid game, and only started dropping deaths in the late game. I had great rotations, rune control, ganks etc. I ignored my team when i had to and dunked like a boss when i had to, but at the end of the day, I lost and thus I failed to win. Yea i can point to the jugg making extremely questionable plays and lack of farm. Probably similar to the way your gyro has literally nothing for a 50+ minute game. I can also say i made a few mistakes as well that i can identify, and I'm sure there are mistakes i made that I missed. The rest of my team made more mistakes than I did, but that doesn't mean I could have minimized my mistakes and maybe changed the outcome.

      but at the end of the day a loss is a loss and it doesn't matter.

      Now, you picked techies which is a controversial hero to put it lightly. people don't like having them on their team, and it negatively effects their play. You may want to learn techies, but they might not want to learn to play with a techies.

      So when it comes down to it, you need to decide if winning or playing a hero you like is more important to you. Asking who failed is kinda of meaningless as everyone on your team lost the game and lost mmr equally.

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        More asking what can i change on my techies play if anything? I'm gonna keep playing it


          Your team had four core heroes farming away. It really spreads the money thin when you're fighting each other for cash. I think 2-3 is the magic number range for heroes on your team that need a lot of farm to be effective, and techies is a hero that needs items.
          To be fair your lich has a naked Mystic Staff and probably had a good 950 hp by the time the game was over. Mistakes were made somewhere.