dude u are thinking way to much, just watch some pro players pub game where he plays tiny and try to repeat what he did.
You are overthikning stuff, just play
Travels are never worth if ur playing with wisp tho
Crit>mkb if enemies doesnt have any evasion
1. Acquire scepter
2. Build either AC if enemy team has armour reduction or Butterfly if enemy team is packing heavy right click (e.g PA)
4. Optional - Acquire Blink
5. Just go hit things.
tony is very stronk even without wisp, try something like phase+drum+scepter+yasha>manta+bkb and for last slot u can get daedalus.
mom's good damage for it's price but obviously the downside is that you can die pretty easy, your armour isn't very high if you get it early on and you lose like a quarter of your EHP vs magical damage.
if you're not gonna die even with the reduced EHP its probably the best damage item you can get on tiny for 2k compared to yasha / crit / hyperstone for example
why not just play dota and chill the fuck out. game isn't that intense and you're not planning on going pro anyways.
Check merlini playing Tiny. I learned the hero by watching him. Be versatile with your built. He has 80% winrate and 6.81 kda. If I play tiny mid:
3 Branches, Stoutshield, Tangos
Bottle, Wand, Soulring (!), brown boots. The soulring helps you big time with manaproblems and gives you some cheap permanent regen. With soulring your combo costs you effective 70 mana if you are full. With a bottle you can spam your opponent out of the lane!
Shadowblade. Shadowblade gives you attackspeed and some more burst, wich suits your 1 sek herokillstyle. The BoT give you.
Next item will be Aga to extend your burst, give you more farmingcapability, push towers and cleave.
After Aga I go for AC. by this time game should be over.
Possible extensions are:
Butterfly: Evasion+Attackspeed
Heart: Manmode
Manta: Ratpush
Safelane I actually do the same, but I get a midas (lvl disadvantage) and maybe drums. Some games are better for phaseboots/drums, or pt etc. Fit to what your game goes like.
Be water my friend.
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i recently got interested in playing TINY as hard carry even w/o wisp..
it was just a couple of games at the beginning but i got challenged a bit because it went late game and we lost both times even though I felt that my hero was pretty STRONG.. (all pick solo queue)
can you share me your thought process when playing TINY as hard carry w/o WISP, here's mine:
1. There are basically 2 ways I play TINY:
- Dota 1 inspired - MID TINY; bottle rush.. gank when INVI or HASTE rune; blink dagger ; sometimes dagon - ethereal; sometimes scepter - cuirass;
2. If I play safe lane farming, I seldom go for mid game kills since it's very situational and a double edged sword. If kill is unsuccessful, I have to go back to base and regen my mana since I dont bottle, and it's such a waste when I could have just farmed. I play defensive (if enemy dives beyond towers) and farm/stack the jungle. To me, I become online when I get at least my TREADS -- DRUMS -- SCEPTER -- YASHA
3. If I play MID tiny, same thing, a little bit defensive.. unless given the proper "ganking" runes such as HASTE, INVI and sometimes DD; I farm up my lane, go to neutral camps to stack.. RINSE and REPEAT.
4. For the past 5 games, 3 times I played as SAFE LANE farming and we lost. 2 times I played as MID and we won.
5. CLASH thought process - I really feel that my hero has strong right click. But i'm still trying to learn the proper positioning. I think he should fight and position like SVEN, just land that AVA-TOSS properly and RIGHT CLICK away - But i'm not really that confident yet here.
6. FORCE STAFF - both times we WON i bought force staff after getting SCEPTER -- MANTA -- DRUMS. last game I had so much money I ditched force staff for MKB alternating with NECRO books on my courier. I felt that FORCE STAFF really gives me that needed mobility --- either for GANKING, INITIATING or GETTING OUT of team fights. Proves to be successful for the past couple of times.
7. BKB -- i'm kind of hesitant in buying this even when enemy has a LOT of disables. I don't know if it has to be a CORE ITEM on tiny. But his TANKINESS makes me think it's not since I can "PROBABLY" go through the INITIAL BURST DAMAGE when stunned, BUT I'm not really sure if this is correct. TAKE NOTE: 6 SLOTS for LATE GAME
- 1. MIDAS
- 2. TREADS ---> 8. BOOTS Of TRAVEL??
- 5. YASHA --> MANTA --> 12. MKB??
- 6. TP --> 7. HELM of DOMINATOR (will not walk too far from base unless we go as 5)? --> 10. BKB?? --> 11. SATANIC??
NOTE: first 6 items are pretty standard to me, but the transition after those is what I'm Confused about
8. My past 5 games (from most recent to old):
- http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/943171030 (TINY, LYCAN vs JUGGERNAUT, TINKER) GPM: 633 HD: 15.3k
- http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/942557643 (TINY, DOOM vs TINKER, RIKI) GPM: 614 HD: 12.8k
- http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/942364020 (TINY, ES vs HUSKAR, ALCHEM) GPM: 494 HD: 13.3k
- http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/942239159 (TINY, PANDA vs RAZOR, EMBER) GPM: 521 HD: 14.1k
- http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/942093043 (TINY, SVEN vs VOID, INVOKER) GPM: 521 HD: 14.9k
Your thoughts please thanks.