General Discussion

General DiscussionSF the new Techies?

SF the new Techies? in General Discussion

      > one bad game does not make sf the new techies
      > they're not the reason you're 3.5k with sub 50% winrate anyway so who cares


        ^My winrate is cuz of abandons. Any ways this wasnt intended to be a slug fest. Peace.

        Midi Prill

          Those leshrac stats are honestly pathetic and disgusting, clear that off your profile before you make a post man


            yes because people arent allowed to have fun doing the all hero challenge

            and im not bitching about "game ruiners", so why do you care


              you mean "techies, the old sf?"

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                Is Techies just a worst SF ?


                  Just SF is techies a worst?

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                    If all your abandons were wins (which is pretty unlikely) you would have 54% winrate which isn't great either.


                      ^Lol @ smurf acting all high and mighty - epen not allowed on smurfs mate, show your main or stfu.


                        What's your issue? I never even acted like my winrate is high (it isn't).


                          goes treads on radiance naga, gets 40 gpm above feeding sf as radiance naga
                          flames team


                            Well more people are playing him, his win rate will bounce a bit while the hype is up.

                            Does it affect games, yes sure, some cases.

                            Does it mean you are unable to win if one person sucks, maybe, sometimes.

                            Is it something you can change? NO, no you cant. (unless you 5 stack)

                            But all of this you know, over 2k games. Now the real question is, why did you actually make a thread about it?

                            Focus on getting better at what you can change.

                            Rest doesnt matter.

                            btw:This is an elitest forum, dont expect any sypathy, not that you deserve any, you ruined 99 games for other people.


                              I can see the hypocrisy of the self obsessed weaboo morons who call 3.7k ppl scrubs when they are themselves 4-4.1k. This will probably be my last post on this forum because obviously e-peen is a major criteria to post any topic here(not that any one cares). I do understand now why good people like relentless was chased away from this forum by these retarded kids.

                              Secondly to the 10yr old kids calling this a rage/bitching thread you have obviously limited mental capability to differentiate a flaming/QQ thread from a normal opinion one(this post is a rage post fyi) and every thing people say somehow turns tug-o-war where you shamelessly shove your toxic biased mentality onto others. I really sympathize with your inability to have a quiet meaningful discussion. I hope you find peace in life. ciao.

                              What a shame really that you actually brought me down to your level where i actually have to flame ...


                                It is my every intention to have meaningful discussion, that is why I firstly commented on you r actual question form a NON biased perspective.

                                And where I do see your point in some places, asking for an intellectual discussion from a "RAGE POST" says something about your mentality. I am not here to flame, so I will leave it at that.

                                Now, from a rage post, what feedback did you expect? Were you hoping everyone felt the same? I see many people fail with many heroes, including myself, i hardly feel like making a thread expressing my frustration with the game. If that is what you need to cope with these situations then that is your prerogative.

                                When an elitist community (some are toxic agreed) turns these things inside out, you can only blame yourself for expecting anything else.

                                Maybe try to make in informative post and ask for feedback regarding improvements, blaming people who fail even if they deserve it will not make you feel better.

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                                  LMAO, plays horribly -> blames teammate -> proceeds to cry in forums -> calls other people hypocrites