what's the reasoning behind no spiderlings (besides obviously if you're laning against some easy AoE clear)
^ Reason is people don`t expect no spiderlings and you rape them, also this way you are not useless 1 lane whole game. You can roam and play in teamfights with your team as well taking a solo Roshan.
People think they can counter you with heroes like Legion commander or Axe, but they can`t do shit vs my Brood
Push + kill them on lane and tp if you need to deff some towers with a team go rosh or teamfight
Maxing spiderlings can back-fire if you are aginst tryhard AoE heroes (especially hard with axe as spiders will die before they can do any damage), but what do you think about getting them if nobody can kill them quick? They can do high damage if stacked and they come with a OoV equivalent slow + small poison. Also with new update they have 0 collision and don't block each other= more damage= they cant block path of your enemy either :(.
ok I have a question, why did you go mkb and not daedalus? they didn't seem to have any evasion
and was that a support slark? :D
^ That was 5k slark obviosly account buyer. He was 5007 mmr. I don`t know mkb better for split push and can cancel tps, dedalus is good as well
okay and last question, is basher/abyssal viable? I mean will she really benefit from it or there are better items to get?
because you could go daedalus+basher to cancel tp's, no?
you were mostly fighting anyway
Basher sucks tryed it alot and its not work,as Benao says Brood needs atack speed thats why mkb/butter/ac..manta etc.
^ Orchid is usually built for the mana regen to spam Q, which this build doesn't rely on. Could be situational against blink heroes.
Thought so but even later on you're not gonna have enough regen from just a basi no? + the IAS and dmg amp can help? Just suppositions, I don't play brood.
Thanks for sharing. I've made an in-game guide if anyone is interested:
3.14159265358979 Nice :)
Awakened Manta gives you inaf atack speed that Brood need and dmg as well as some tankines and also you can dodge 2-3 man ganks with manta easily.
HotSalza Both, if team is not totally retarded and know how to use space that I gave them usually I sit 1 lane almost whole game if game is a stomp. If game is hard and I have noobs in team I must rotate whole game long and go with them to fight.
I will definitely try this BM once i'm done with Undying. Been looking for a new hero to spam.
Neat, a Brood player.
1. What are your thoughts on Battle Fury?
2. From levels 1-6, which heroes do you have the most difficulty in-lane with?
LET ME GO HOMEEEEEE: 4529 lost 150 mmr in few hours gg account buyers and autism players
somebody Bf sucks on Brood why would you ever buy it
Most difficulty vs Lion,Sand King,Void,Pa,Shadow Shaman..
another satisfied customer: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/945234433
Manta works great on her.
Thanks Bogi :-)
why wouldnt you go vlads with this playstyle
also u still get raped hard by axe and LC by going this route, just leave them 1v1 in the lane with 2 sentries and the lanes basically autowin. axe destroys brood regardless of whether u get broodlings or not, same with lc. also both carry stout and so on.
but honestly if you last pick brood every game its a lot safer cause then u can go orchid and whatever bullshit u want and abuse the fuck out of the enemy carry. if they have lc/axe just pick some other bullshit hero
wouldn't vlads be a bit of a luxury item seeing as you already get upto 100% lifesteal (albeit not as an aura) for a third of the game?
you dont get vlads for lifesteal, you get it for pushing and the insane cost-effectiveness for providing exactly what brood needs (damage, armor, etc - units get it too, and so do allies)
the lifesteal is just a side benefit, also bit more mana regen and a natural upgrade on the basilius
Dude - http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/944761472
You were right. They didn't know wtf to do.
^I had a similar one to you Frankieballerina. Won after with the build tho, nice
http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/944663482 Game is hard.
4k=pick supprt thanks You have no idea what you talking about Legion Commander and Axe don`t stand chance 1v1 against my Brood after lvl 6. AND I M VERY HAPPY WHEN I SEE ENEMY PICKS AXE/LEGION TO `COUNTER ME` thats always almost free win.
Examples: Raping Legion Commander: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/945002280
Raping Axe: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/942686581
Raping Legion Commander again: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/940644987
Thats all in just last 2 days , want more?
bogi don't bother he's a 3k wanna believe he's 5k piece of sh it scu m thats been roaming this forum lately
@ bogi what do you do with her after laneing. I played a game with her yesterday won lane super hard ganked a few times was 4/0/2 at one point, but then I just kind of turned useless, with out max spiders I couldn't really push, and I felt like I wasn't adding to team fights (a fast BKB might have fixed this). also with no mana regain how do you do anything, I was having constant mana issues before I started using spiders, and with manta+ spiders + ult +webs, I felt like I needed to go back to base after every fight, even if I still had full HP. I know it was just one game so I cant talk, but what do you think about linken's, sheep stick, drum or S&Y(not with manta of course)?
Por favor, se conecte para postar comentários.
Just pick Brood I pwn so easily at near 5k mmr matches you can do it as well. If you don`t wanna watch some of my replays I will write here how you need to play:
Starting items: Quelling blade,tango,ring of protection,iron branch
Than you gonna finish your basilius and Poor Man's Shield(NOT BOOTS BEFORE THOSE) you dont need boots at webs this early.
after you gonna buy 2 blades of atack and than finish Phase boots ( BOOTS ALWAYS AFTER BLADES ) If you gonna do well you ll have this at lvl 6 or lvl 7. If you are against 3 lane and sentrys just take exp and don`t die most imporant thing with brood dont die early game vs sentries. At lvl 6 you can start killing their solo support 1v3 or their carry if supports roam or pull. Even if you are against 3 stun lineup you can go 1v3 if you have phase boots,basi,pms and lvl 6-7. (gonna be hard vs some heroes like Lion for example but usually you can)
Skill build: 2,3,2,3,2,4,3,2,3,1,4,1,1,1,4,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,+ ( if you are 1v1 lane you can go max passive 3. skill before webs ) or if you see your 1v2 lane is extremely easy.
I prefer yasha after these items and manta, if you are dire you can with phase boots,pms,basi and yasha at lvl 11 solo smoke roshan.(will for sure take a bit longer than with lycan or ursa but you ll easily have it solo)
I prefer bkb after manta almost always. Mkb,Ac,Butterfly all these items for late game are good also s&y can work at mid game as well.
If you don`t feed your offlane early there is almost not way to lose offlane maybe in 5% chances where their pick is mega tryhard with 3 lane but anyway you gonna create so much space that you basicly cant lose your off if you follow these tips.I play vs 5k players and I can`t lose my offlane I always kill them, if I lose sometimes thats because I M GREEDY NOOB but if you play this tactic safe you can`t lose. At lvl 11 also 80% lifesteal you can dive towers and fight for no problem 1v3 if they dont have 3 stun heroes as well as at lvl 7 and 8 you can dive 1v2 at tower as well. When guys try to juke at tower just turn on phase you don`t need to do it earlier cus your speed at web is already like you have haste.
There is example of how to play very hard game and win: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/940644987
Gl & hf hope I will help someone who wanna try this.
No haterino, I love you all dotobuff community