General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i increase my MMR?

How can i increase my MMR? in General Discussion
Manly Unicorn

    I've been sitting around 3,4-3,5k solo mmr for a while now.
    How can i get better?

    I guess I'm not a good support player. Neither am i a great ganker.
    Can i carry my way to the very high skill bracket? What do i need to improve?

    Im playing with Friends most of the time and when playing solo im quite lost at the picking screen. Offlane, Mid, Safelane Carry? What suits me best? ...



      PLay max 2 hereos u confident, and dont play with noob friends = improve.

      [DFG] Whale King

        Dont play sniper as your most played hero...

        Manly Unicorn

          Playing with noob friends is fun, and i dont care about Party MMR.
          Solo MMR is what i want to improve.

          Is there any more reason to not play Sniper than "dont play Sniper"?
          I have about 70% winrate with him as my most played hero. Thats not too bad, right?


            at your level the best advice i can give you is to learn to farm

            doesn't matter what hero, doesn't matter what role

            learn how to use every bit of space and time you have efficiently, get as much gold as you can out of the map

            safe lane or mid most mistakes people make is trying to look for fights Don't. just farm. fights will come to you, or if your teammates are losing a fight near a tower TP in to join.

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            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

              ^ high skill are full of noobs so do what Zenoth says. Picks don't really matter much as long as you are better than them imo.