General Discussion

General DiscussionHorrid players in 4k mmr

Horrid players in 4k mmr in General Discussion

    I played a void game and lost having a score of 37/14/18, with full slot items the rest of the team hadn't farmed at all and i literally got up to the ancient by myself in about 20mins into the game... Then the team all goes to ancient throws and then repeats it over and over until the 30kills advantage i gave them was useless.... They weren't trolling i repeat weren't trolling but were just crappy players in my tier... Watch the game and you will know why i'm so pissed off at these randomly match made pub noobs.

    Este tópico foi editado
    LL Poroksi

      You don't have Void game with a score of 37/14/18


        I dont really like Hot on void, getting refresher as 6th slot item is the best idea imo

        How did you got 2,11 kda on void though? Mine is low because it includes normal mm (almost 60% WR and 3,7 KDA on ranked) but fu­ck man

        Anyway, sometimes these cu­nts will be in your team, sometimes in their team, since you got so fed they probably werent too good as well

        go kill urself

          HoT on void lmfao

          u had less than 5 cs per minute

          ur hero is capable of keeping spectre from ever getting a radiance. no clue why you couldnt do that just find him any time in first 20 mins turn MoM on and he dies

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            australia, he thinks he's good xDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            4k australia is like 2k euro learn to play and stop spamming op heroes noob, you're never gonna get better


              99 percent of the time when you go 37/14 you should win the match as void. Just really bad luck this time I guess but there were some mistakes. Do not get a heart on a void, I believe the best defense is offense. You should have went Daedalus instead of heart. Void needs to do as much damage asap during the chrono, at the end of the chrono he is quite weak vs spectre. A daedalus makes a huge huge huge difference against a spectre.

              Why did you get a mkb vs no evasion, yet another mistake. Quite horrid mistakes. Butterfly instead of mkb would have been huge.

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              Paid actor

                nothing to be surprised i lose quite alot as 20+ kills qop....33-0 morph...sometimes it cant be helped...i have a bad habbit of draining the map so my team r usually left with nothing so i cant rly blame myself for taking all shit for myself including kills and then sayin why didnt they win xD

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                  BIG FAT DUCK

                    well at least the title of the thread is accurate

                    me, government hooker

                      phaggot hero picker


                        mb stop playing void ?

                        ICE SKULL

                          i'd love to play australia no joke

                          u can win 1vs9 there rofl


                            can u guys check my last bara build and tell me how smart i am?

                            did not get mom because my goal was to be tanky so i could still deal good dps, not take 30% more dmg or w/e and be a good stun bot.

                            decided to carry instead.


                            Este comentário foi editado
                            Harry hamburgerryg


                              4k mmr sniper. Best sniper ever. Yasha, crit, morbid.