General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips on 3k MMR??

Any tips on 3k MMR?? in General Discussion

    Title explain, thanks for every commend or advice


      Learn to farm. If you farm 50 cs in the first 10 mins, 90% chances that you win that match.

        How about support? is it same w/ 2k mmr style?
        Buying ward/sentry/smoke/dust or should i make supportive item (mekans, pipe)?
        Because in my latest match always support :c


          support start make sence after 3.5k son

          dont support in low 3k's

          gl hf climbing


            I suck (even more) at supporting so I wouldn't give you much advice on that topic. However, when I'm forced to support I just roam. People in potato bracket won't expect it so you can get lots of kills for your team (and gold for yourself), and start building your lead from the laning stage.


              there is no support in 3k!!! (if u mid, carry or whatever, get your courier and your wards if you REAAAAALLLY need them)


                Don't pick Techies.


                  I've read a lot of topics like this. If u want get higher mmr u should learn to slay on ur own. To win the game alone. No need in supporting since 4k for sure. Just play only solo mid, or solo offlane. Learn to win ur line without help. Watch streams, leanr the details of several slay heroes like ember/viper/storm or something like this. Lots o them. Heroes that can be usefull at all parts of game. TRY NOT FEED. It doesnt mean avoid any fights, but play quite safely.


                    you know what I have always wondered...

                    In the many threads like this you get players detailing what it is like in every MMR level ... but how could one person know this?
                    How could a 4.5k player know what consistent dota is like at 2k? How can they know the difference between 3.1 and 3.6k?
                    Cos they seem to be experts


                      Same reason a player from that bracket can't tell how the bracket works. They must be at least double the bracket's mmr to know how that bracket functions.



                        Does all of ur friends are the same mmr as yours?
                        For example my MMR is ~5200 and i frequently play with my friends whose mmr from 2-3.5. We play nonrate games, but all enemies mostely way easier than on my bracket. I can take any hero mid and 95% that i will not lose it.
                        The point in playing low skill pub games (less than 4k imo) is to learn how to win games alone. In this bracket it is not about teamgame. It is just one man dota. Take ur hero and win alone. Thats all.


                          ^ that's you as a 5k playing with 2-3.5ks against high 3ks-4ks you need to carry those games super hard since your team is less skilled then the other team. If a player is in low skill brackets all they need to do is suck less then the average person in that bracket and there MMR will slowly go up. They don't need to carry their whole team every game, they just need to show up for fights not feed and react when their team gets ganked, or learn how to last hit or manage mana or what ever people are clueless about at that level of play.

                          Juicy O3O


                            Or you can have a 4k-5k friend duo queue with you. A way to improve is to actually learn from the bracket that you want to be at. I think the biggest problem for 3k is not having enough map awareness and game sense. If you are a farm orientated hero, then you should know how to farm efficiency without getting caught.

                            Best advice I can give Ryfee is to look at the minimap at all times. When you suspect a gank coming, then just hide in a bush and have a tp ready or rotate elsewhere.

                            Also, plan and prepare the outcome of a teamfight / gank before you join it. That way, you won't get surprised when a sudden TP rotation comes of if you lose a kill because the enemy hero uses an escape mechanism. Cover all your bases.

                            Lastly, know when you can take objectives. if you kill an enemy core and you think you can take a tower or kill rosh without the enemies contesting, then you should not waste anytime and work towards that objective. Biggest mistake I see in pub games are the players who don't do anything after getting an important kill and just lose the game became the opponent has a better lategame / push lineup.

                            I think EE said in a stream when he was answering the question about "What are 4k players doing wrong", He answered "Everything". I think this is partially true. There isn't 1 factor that separates the brackets but you just need to play more and have the drive to improve. Also, don't follow premade builds. They are okay at giving general itemization options but don't just follow it without giving it much thought.

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