General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with Spectre?

How to win with Spectre? in General Discussion

    I hadn't thought of Urn on Spectre but it sounds pretty fantastic to me now that you have mentioned it.

    Garlic Sauce

      I'm at 3.9k and main spec. since she has become so much more viable in this patch (almost too viable) i've been running her a lot in cm but also have a few unranked games played with here where i didnt get much support and still managed to do well. I would recommend you watch some of my replays to see how i cope with minimal farm. In about half the matches i've had really subpar cs usually as low as 25 and still come out with huge scores at the end of the game. 96 cs in 38 minutes. Final score 19/3/28 132 cs in 47 minutes. Final score 20/2/23 106 cs in 43 minutes. Final score 16/4/15

      i actually use a different skillbuild to most to allow me to be effective as early as 10 minutes in the game and then i focus on farming through teamfights and kills over the much more dull afk radiance farming. I would recommend you watch some of my recent games if you want to imitate my playstyle. I also wrote about the merits of my build which you can read here

      my user name is kwajo and this is also a really fantastic guide so i recommend reading though it all anyway.

      hope i helped :)


        ^Max dispersion first spectre MoM new meta?...

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          Dont pick this hero in pub games. Trust me=)


            Hi everyone,

            Just my two cents, I don't know at your mmr what people do but at my mmr they like to fight a lot and usually don't wait bkb to do it so I feel I have improved a lot my win rate buying blade mail first instead of vanguard


            Spectre has so low health I don't feel counfortable even with early drum.

            Here is the perfect exemple where blade mail is strong : against heroes with high burst abilities

            they had centaur, ursa and dazle/huskar combo, I was mid agaisnt ursa and dazle/huskar were geting so much kills on others lane I don't think any item for the same price would have allowed me to fight them. I had 146 lh at the end of the game but the rest of the game I was always behind in last hit.

            This build kind of make you weaker late game but at least you can go late game, I'm looking for replays with other build when your team is behind.

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              dude we're not retarded pls keep your shit to yourself thanks ^


                Still only one in this topic mentioned blade mail, and yes you do like retarded kid, Benao.Pringles.Lifedancer.

                Get a life thanks ^.


                  i borrowed this from @ddsama
                  sadly i cant give you a brain too



                    Here you build crimson guard and lost, it's your last game with spectre. wp.

                    PS/ Sure your borrowed this but you proably didn't used it enough, pretty clear that you have reading issues.


                      your point?
                      are you way beyond salvation with you retardness?



                        My point is what I wrote in my previous posts, does having reading issues a reason to be so agressive and hijack every threads ?

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                          ok k ill yourself fuc king shit
                          graduate from school and learn how to dota before you come back unless you want your account banned noo b ignorant coc ksu cker


                            Of course I won't kill me dummy; I'm already graduated and from university thank you, probably more than you will never be.

                            Your typo show potentiel nervous system disorder so I will let you calm down and edit your gibberish.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I'm kind of starting to draw the conclusion that what you build on spec doesn't fucking matter because every item mentioned here is damn good on her and you can't get all of them. What seems to matter much more is your team makeup and theirs. Spec has terrible farming abilities so you need to fight early and rack up assists and kill gold with haunt. She used to be AMAZING with the old bloodseeker as bs would dive someone, spec haunts in, free golds. Or just being on a team that has great vision so you can pickoff. Spec can annhilate supports out of position if you have good warding. If you have a very passive team vs an aggressive team and you lack for disables and stuff it's very hard to win on spec cus a 20 min 0-0 match doesn't really favor her if the other team also has hard carries for late game. She's not going to out afk farm a void or probably even a jugger or pa, even if they don't have battlefury.

                              That's just my opinion, because all of her items are good and one might be better than another given the situation.

                              I mean you can go drums, vanguard into crimson guard or aquila, you can go mid game s&y or diffusal or you can rush radiance or hell you can go vanguard and drums and still build a 30 min radiance and be extremely effective, or just rush butterfly. There are a ton of ways to build her.

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                              Von Darkmoor

                                You proberly build Power Threads and autolose.

                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                  You farm and click haunt whenever a teamfight breaks out or you can snag a kill.

                                  Nobody picks heroes like Undying/Necrophos and plays as 5 in a pub, so her counters are limited in scope.

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                                  go kill urself

                                    pick doom
                                    spectre useless

                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                      Crimson Guard is awful on Spectre as well, you might as well get a reaver for the price and build towards a heart or something

                                      It has comparable win rates with plate mail and perseverance which are less than half its cost

                                      I don't think in the 1.3 years of playing dota 2 I've ever seen vanguard win a single game, what makes people think a slightly modified version of the item will work is beyond me

                                      Literally the only reason you would ever buy Vanguard on Spectre is if you want to bait the other team into attacking/using spells on you and your team is intelligent enough to exploit those opportunities, but nobody does that in a fucking pub. All they do is sit in their lanes and farm 3 cs/minute and you have to carry their stupid asses (and ofc no TP's or anything either)

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                                      go kill urself

                                        ^ vanguard also serves as a deterrent on ganks. you basically have to send 3+ to kill the spectre once he has vanguard = safer space to farm.

                                        although honestly both vang/drums are bad atm, urn and maybe a bracer is all you ened

                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                          idk i just go pms/roh and pray nobody ganks me so i can get rad

                                          i think playing spec is much safer with a stack and if ur playing solo it might be better just to get a hero who isn't useless in lane otherwise u end up playing solo vs a tide with no support (and they STILL lose all their lanes)

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                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            i just came back from 3 weeks of not playing dota and all i get are 4k players picking mid instantly and feeding

                                            looks like no patch will ever change that, time to abuse cm/cd or something

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                                              ISM comments about Spectre, coming from someone who has only played her 18 times, very nice.

                                              I have 141 matches played using Spectre.
                                              - 60.28% win rate
                                              - 4.95 KDA

                                              Too lazy to explain on how to properly play her, I think I have already posted it before.

                                              But the key thing in using Spectre in pubs is being able to go online with your teammates as soon as possible.
                                              That means, if you have to buy drums, or vanguard just so you can join early or mid game team fights, then so be it.

                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                Huh? Who cares if I've only played her 18 times, I have 5k and my in-game experience is that without some ability to farm faster you're going to fall behind. You're not going to go 15-0 every single game to make up for the creep kill loss.