General Discussion

General DiscussionLosing pretty much ever game whether I play well or not. Any advice ?

Losing pretty much ever game whether I play well or not. Any advice ? in General Discussion

    Hi, I did play badly in some of the games that I have lost. But in more than 50% of those games, it lasted as long as it did only because I was doing well, (late game well they just focus me n gg) . Its like apart from my lane, the other 2 lanes pretty much feed during the laning stage.

    waku waku

      stop playing clinkz


        if this is a smurf account then you should quit

        if it is not, just keep playing and you'll get better


          play heros that can lift heavy teams, i.e terrorblade, nature's prophet. I've won many games down 1-12. gotten to 4.2k mmr with them.


            make mek on clinkz works everitiem




                Thanks for the replies guys.
                @DRANk Well Check the clinkz games, Its definitely not cause I am bad with clinkz. :) . In 1 game I had to buy gem for techies , mkb for PA and BKB for survivability against zeus venomancer coz my team woudn't do go for gem/mkb . ended up losing coz of BS and WK.
                @Andro I used to play dota a couple of yrs ago. Not too much but enuf to get the basics like last hitting n stuff. Looks like its getting worse :(.
                @alucard I tried tb man, tht game the lina fed and left. ll try np.
                @Fyyq mek on clinkz , nah ter are better items i feel atleast for clinkz.


                  mek seems good on him, but when do you make it, I cant see clinkz having the mana pool for it until after orchid or some other item that giffs mana.


                    clinkz = free lose
                    I got one today


                      Hmm, You def need bkb after orchid, orchid + bkb + threads takes atleast 20-25 min on avg. By that time one of your team mates can build the mek.


                        well, no bkb against rhasta nyx tinter = gg. :D


                          Dude you need to get it into your head that if you were not a bad clinkz you would shit on those normal bracket games. Just pick a hero that's a bit less reliant on good decision making and positioning than clinkz or work hard at those. Don't pick clinkz against shit like meepo either that's just asking for trouble.

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                            ^ look at the feed from earth shaker , earth spirit and wraith king in that game. the game was over in 10min. I shouldn't ve picked clinkz but i doubt it would ve mattered.


                              Don't worry, you will fall into your bracket eventually.

                              आप गे क्यों

                                bone is so strong if u have map awareness, broken movement speed + inv + high dps

                                just gotta bait out the sentries and dust, and get your orchid online b4 the 20 min mark


                                  ^Wolverine: if you create enough space for your teamates they will die less, farm more, and win lategame even if they are stupidly retarded most of the time (especially in your bracket where no one can push high ground).

                                    Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                    JUICY J

                                      clinkz is garbage


                                        Thanks guys. I think its been since a lot better since then. Stopped playing squishy heroes like clinkz.
                                        Btw micro , with clinkz i get orchid pre 15 min with boots soul ring and wand which I think is pretty good. but the problem was always that i couldn't fin the game n eventually i fall off.

                                        go kill urself

                                          anorther success story courtesy of players

                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            it's not the hero choice, it's your own gameplay lol

                                            'normal skill' on a smurf

                                            toysoldier reached something like 5.7k playing clinkz only

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                                            Von Darkmoor

                                              Go hex mek its very nice. Also if you get antimage in team just leave its over anyways.

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                                                fucking kill urself


                                                  49% winratio dude talking shit about antimage. Give me antimage and you have a 60% chance to win.


                                                  Stop smurfing, realise that you are in a shitbracket, cause you are shit. Improve.

                                                  I heared waga 2 weeks ago saying in his stream on the flames of one of his mates towards another dude:

                                                  "Man this guy sucks, but all suck at this game and make a ton of mistakes."

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                                                    @ISM "toysoldier reached something like 5.7k playing clinkz only" . plz link me to his dotabuff. I want to improve at clinkz definitely.
                                                    @9v1 Like i mentioned in one of the earlier comments, I used to play dota 1 (mostly bots with ap instead of apneng n tis was more than 2 yrs ago) . I am defintely not good, looking to improve but I have decent map awareness, make good item choices etc. I did select "played dota 1" while creating the acc. I don't know y u tink tis is a smurf.

                                                    Tiny Airlines

                                                      Clinkz's win rate is only 43.12% on dotabuff, and he's very weak to heroes like Bounty Hunter and Spirit Breaker, two heroes that are played very often.

                                                      Searing arrows also isn't an unique attack modifier, so build something like helm of the dominator and eye of skadi.