General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp I got calibrated at 1985 MMR :(

Help I got calibrated at 1985 MMR :( in General Discussion
❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

    Hey guys I thought I was a 3k player but I finally finished calibrating, carry every match cause that seems to be the key to calibration but yeah I got 2k and I feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world. What should I do? I'm competent at warding, decent I think at itemization and last hitting, and I try and pick last whatever fits with the team as well as always carrying TPs and I try to gank a bit. Did I get screwed over by the system or am I just terrible? How do I improve cause I'm probably a 2k player. Please help :'(


      Its because you lost your first game.

      Rusty Ken

        most people have this mindset that they think they are better than they actually are, i guess u are not as good as you thought


          watch replays via player perspective

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          Hafla Enjoyer

            I calibrated even lower, just play, you will climb pretty fast
            and don't treat your team like a bunch of retards, that's the biggest mistake

            ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

              Ok thanks I'll just try and soldier on. Yeah I won't mate, I try and be nice to everyone and treat them equally. I'll see how i go and report back if i climb. Thanks :)


                If you can't climb out of 2k with ease, then you probably deserve that rank.


                  i watched all your replays, ur a good player, idk how u got calibrated so low..
                  u carried ur ally almost every game.

                  Quick maffs

                    Good luck man, if you got 2k is because right now you deserve 2k, but you have decent winrate and kda with some nice heroes so i think you are going to climb fast.

                    Just focus on improving and dont flame your team, you will go up with time.

                    ^He is trolling you btw

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                    ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                      Ok thanks, I got a list of things to improve or learn like pulling on radiant offlane and learnind more versatile heroes so I'll work on them and see how I go.


                        Did you answer that you'd never played a MOBA before when asked? I've a theory that a large part of your calibration comes from whatever you answered there.

                        average radiance enjoyer

                          Dude, no worries. You play supports, and the only thing that counts during calibration is KDA. I've been calibrated 2k too, but i easily managed to raise my mmr by 2000 points.

                          ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                            @Rocket, yes I would have, that could explain it. I'll play some games tomorrow and see if I fit in or if I'm better.
                            @Gartor, ok sweet, glad there's hope for me haha.


                              ure wrong what you answer doesnt matter (whether u played moba, or whether u are newbie etc). at least it doesnt count for your calibration, probably only for your initial few matches played on the account (aka unranked uncalibration)

                              kda isnt the only thing that counts.


                                wow thats sad man..:/

                                wish u luck on climbing


                                  oh by the way terrorblade sucks for calibration if that helps.


                                    Just make a new account if you think this number is so important -.-


                                      you seem like you like tb, your item builds on him look fine but your farming ability with him seems pretty sub-par

                                      watch some replays and ask questions to improve on those aspects of your play


                                        you have only 400 games, so 2k mmr is normal for you.
                                        if you are willing to improve and wantch some replays you will get better in no time, to get to 3k is pretty ez.
                                        gl leggo


                                          U have a 62.26% winrate in your ranked games, so until you flatline on a 50/50 win/loss, you will still increase. It may not be too far away, but you can probably climb a bit more.

                                          You should change your attitude probably though, if you want to improve. It's better to have the standpoint that you´re horrible and can improve infinitely, than saying system screwed you or teammates suck or bla bla, these things wont help you get better.

                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            Yeah for example I'm 5k and I consider myself a pretty mediocre player. Try to always have this mentality if you want to improve.


                                              Yo waga 1v1 me im a 2.7k mmr pub star

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I think tb is a pretty bad hero to calibrate with cus I believe hero dmg matters a lot and rat tb's dont do hero dmg. That's why so many people abuse zeus to calibrate cus he inflates rating.


                                                  "Don't Make Excuses" MoonMeander 2014


                                                    ^ This xDDDDD


                                                      did you play in stacks a lot before you calibrated? if you recently got better while playing in stacks then you could belong at 3k but have still calibrated closer to 2k, since your solo hidden mmr was still close to 2k that's where you were placed when you calibrated. With a 60% win rate in ranked it will take you only 200 games to reach 3k.


                                                        So hit heroes?


                                                          Low kills/low KDA/lOW HD/Low GPM in Records.

                                                          I don't think you belogn to 3k. Maybe 2.5-2.6k, or if you're lucky, you can hit sub3k and go down again.


                                                            My mate got calibrated to 1.2K MMR LOL.

                                                            ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                                                              Ok guys thanks for advice I'll just accept I'm bad and work from there. I went from 45% noob to 60% win rate in World of Tanks a while ago so I guess I'll do the same here.
                                                              @Zaby, yes, I'm fairly sure I have around 20 solo games, maybe 30 over all as IRL friends got me into Dota and I never used to like solo. They're 2.5-2.8K with 1 guy thats 3.5K so I probably picked up bad habits when learning :(


                                                                keep calm bro just play and enjoy this game.. if you got the skill to climb u will climb no matter what!

                                                                ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                                                                  Thanks bro I'll try :D

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    I'm a 3.5k player, compare your no. of games and KDA to mine.

                                                                    MMR is all about no. of games, wins and KDA.

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                    ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                                                                      Yeah I see what you mean, guess I expected too much for how much I've played.


                                                                        kda does nothing, don't force to get high kda to gain mmr, it's stupid.


                                                                          lmao delusional kid get outta him, you are where you are

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                                                                              WAGA SPEAKS

                                                                              Bad Intentions


                                                                                the higher your KDA is, the more impact you bring to the game. The more impact you bring into the game, the higher chance for you to win.

                                                                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                  Dazza mate, while its good to have goals like learning on how to pull radiant offlane and things like that, they shouldnt be on your list of priorities on learning in order to get better. those types of mechanics are only useful when you know how to take advantage of them/ when its a good idea or bad idea and all those types of things which comes with more experience. The best thing you could do is literally either learn how to farm like a beast ( and i dont mean to trash talk or anything but i ceebs coming up with politically correct phrases) because at 2k last hitting skills and farming mechanics are shit. if you can figure out the right time to farm and fight, and find a good balance, you will without a doubt outfarm anyone in that bracket if you execute it right because ya'll still think aim of the game is get kills. If your team is losing try to learn good times to splitpush, if your team is winning, learn how to take advantage of that.

                                                                                  id recommend watching streams such as Waga or other top end streamers who play semi-seriously in pubs and go in with an open mindset and try to understand why they do things the way they do and try to implement that into your gameplay


                                                                                    @Bad Intentions
                                                                                    Arteezy has low kda comparing to yours, guess he is an awful player.