General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to make an accound with lowest possible mmr! XD

Trying to make an accound with lowest possible mmr! XD in General Discussion

    that has to be the most boring shit ever

    Ples Mercy

      There is already a guy who made it to 1 mmr.


        Imagine playing in that circumstances. Like, unfair bots, rape fest for them :O


          pick np, turn auto attack on and tp cliff

          every 30 secs you go there to move and check if everything is fine
          easiest way to do it imo


            Hundreds of hours spent to eventually come on here and make a thread that will generate around 12 replies.

            Go for it!


              man those guys in that mmr have enough problems as it is


                Hahaha, watching them try their best and fail this hard is too funny for me, sorry..!


                  I'm also doing that!!


                    Friend me, lets do it together, its so lonely there...


                      1/10 for navi avatar


                        The problem is that I am mostly afk
                        The secret is to pick brood (sit in trees in lane afk getting exp+unseen) or furion (ofc cliff jungle)
                        dats my account
                        I want to get into ranked so I can see my thrower acct mmr
                        And say best case scenArio i end up 1.5k-2k mmr
                        Then I'm gonna see how far I can raise it, or if there rlly is a trench


                          it would be better if you play like 5 games seriously and get good kda/hero damage etc so then u get put with 5kish players and feed there. they get so mad its funny

                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                            just intentional feed avery game and u will have 0.5k mmr


                              There's a youtube video something like "tale of the trench" i think one game had an average mmr of 150


                                ... nigga, fuck you. you waste people's time. go 1v1 and lose


                                  Funny thing is some people are actually 1,8k (one of my friends) by playing normally... He has around 2k games or so


                                    1.8k after 2k games, he must be a child or reaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyy unwilling to improve.


                                      1v1 doesnt affect hidden/normal mmr does it?

                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        you'll probably just get shadowbanned before you get your MMR, it's not even worth your time.


                                          i just created a smurf and i felt bad
                                          for the first time, seemed like it was guys first match.. everyone with weird names (like their emails and shit like that)



                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                            Whatever if u want an account in 1.6k mmr i can give u without lose all your time add me on my new shitt smurf