General Discussion

General Discussionreporting someone who is muted or in LPQ

reporting someone who is muted or in LPQ in General Discussion

    Is there any point? Will it prolong their punishment or wont affect them at all and it would be wasted report?


      anyone knows?!


        yes ofc it will.


          rly badly formulated answer...
          yes it will get them punished or yes it will be wasted report!??!

          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

            i think wasted report if u report him for comunication abuse, you can just ignore him, so if he is spaming >Well Played! tons of times you will see only 2 per minute.

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              But if he is in low prio and he is intentional feeding, yeah u can report him with success, i remember a natures propet doing intentional feeding in low prio and dota send me: your report was succesful ty for improve the dota 2 comunity...


                I did it the other day to a guy who had #muted in his name. right after the game i got a notification saying it went through and he got punished


                  thx for reply