General Discussion

General DiscussionPipe of Insight

Pipe of Insight in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Why do you lose the +2 attributes from headdress?


      else it would be OP

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        2 stat points would make it op do tell.


          well pipe loses some of its value.

          by passing it around.

          one and half gun


              In warcrafy, you could only asign 4 abilities to a single item. Only one to be active.
              1. Hp regen
              2. Magic resistance
              3. Aura regen
              4. Magic damage block aoe active shit

              They were too lazy to code the item just for +2 to all attributes.

              For the same reason, refresher orb started giving +10 damage from persevirance.

              Btw, Eul's movement speed bonus is a coded ability, somethibg like fifth.



                4 Innate abiliteis of item however you can additionally code more Abilites to it. IIRC the coding only involves picking it up, passing it and dropping the item, which should just be copy pasta from any item to another with different additional ability


                  Ice Fraud...