General Discussion

General Discussionlmao...

lmao... in General Discussion

    i just came back and played dota after 2 and a half weeks

    absolutely shit mechanics (didn't last hit properly)
    absolutely shit decision making (ran in and died a bunch of times)
    low impact

    thank god i got carried in 3 RMM games today (and mostly by people with lower mmr)

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      i'm pretty sure the bad luck horizon looms in the distance so i'd better start practicing in unranked again


        this is such a great patch with techies out, as long as you don't pick him it's almost like free mmr

        the only thing that baffles me is why people don't go necrobook against techies, it's a great item for support heroes and most int heroes alike

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            LOL all the techies were on other team today, 3 out of 4 games


              btw i see you are 5300 now, looks like i should be a bit ashamed since i calibrated there on my smurf but dropped like a fucking anvil, which is the exact opposite of what you did

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                  well i just dropped below 5k for 1 game, which i expected since a) i haven't played in a while b) apparently i can't win with void or ta to save my life anymore which is just embarassing


                  the od is 5883 mmr but can't do anything to a veno spamming wards and pushing t1 (and i got smoke ganked twice and died like a retard too, ended up underlevelled for first 10 min)

                  picks + meta > mechanical skill anyday

                  in the previous games i would instalock ta and the other team had a razor/ember which are matchups i'm not used to playing (cuz i would always pick her AFTER the player on other team picked mid).

                  so yea i think what miserryyy said is correct about getting from 5000 to 5500: do as much as possible even if you end up dying. k/d/a and cs aren't nearly as important as just pressuring lanes. idk if i want to practice heroes like veno/sand king over and over again even though the stats say those are my best heroes in this patch (????)

                  ironically enough i was unaware of that for a long time

                  so now the only question is: how long before i hit a roadblock instalocking that hero

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                    God you sound and write like a fucking prick. Where is a good shotgun when you need it?

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                      Quick maffs

                        You look mad

                        That its when you need to take a break from dota man


                          I took a break off this game several times, and when I return I usually forget about what items I got, if for example I had mek, I might not use it, that's why I usually go for a practice session, maybe 2-4 games with some friends (mine r ALL low) before trying ranked, I don't even go ranked for some reason, which is that my friends are awesome players :D

                          Kai no Kiseki

                            hilariously, when i took a 1 month break back in march, my mmr started shooting up rapidly despite having awful mechanics. I think it was cuz I was watching streams etc during that break to get my dota fix.

                            one and half gun

                              if you put a 4k mmr player in a room with no lights but only a computer screen, fake mouse and keyboard and then watch through 6k players perspective 24/7 for 30 days without ever eating/sleeping/taking any breaks, would the 4k mmr player improve significantly?

                              Hex Sigma

                                we may see sometimes in the future news like this:

                                18 years old gamer getting ti jail after he murdered a person. The reason was that he was a noob with a low mmr that didn't deserve to live, cause we all know that dota is life. If you have 6k mmr in dota you have a good career in life by default.


                                  ^ that's hardly surprisingly, someone killed herself after hearing Harry Potter was supposedly going to die in the last book of the series


                                    to answer wave's question, i think he would go insane and probably quit dota after his release LOL

                                    MMR would be the least of his worries

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