General Discussion

General Discussion"Western dota sucks"

"Western dota sucks" in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    Alright. Are you getting at something? Clearly you're under some delusion that I'm not allowed to have an opinion.

    Western dota sucks.


      You can have your own opinions, but that doesn't mean people have to take them seriously. Making fun of opinions that make no sense whatsoever would fit the circumstances however.

      Jorges Sanz

        Chinese teams saving strats for ti5 thats why they are underperforming.

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          Hardly deserving of it's own thread three days later. That's nearly as bad as me waiting 7 months to post that "Nevermore" dude when he dropped below 50% winrate.

          King of Low Prio

            dont need to make a thread every time melody is wrong, that kind of spam would be endless


              If your opinion is complete bullocks then of course I will call you out on it. You have to be prepared for that when you say something controversial. Perhaps you still think these forums are your own little playground and what you say can't be questioned?

              Este comentário foi editado
              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                You realize all that is a ruse to get a rise out of people. Seems highly successful here on Melodybuff.

                Supports from the western scene pull their weight. I don't feel core roles do however. That's why I dislike western doto.


                  pls mercy hannes

                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                    No surprise there if you follow e-sports.


                      hope C9 wins

                      no 1st place since MLG columbus w/ rtz


                        Melody, it's long past the time you had to off yourself, would ya please do that?

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          @Empty Jar,

                          >Dem top hero kdas.

                          Pls kid.


                            lol. empty for real why so low kda... your kda mmr is like 3k confirmed


                              >caring about kda

                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                Stop feed scrub. My cm is chris level bad, and I still have higher than your core roles....


                                  Having high kda on 3k mmr and boasting about it. Typical downie

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    Feeding in any bracket is still feeding rand. Stop over extending and learn positioning scrub.

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      Like, how the fuck you gonna be like. "I'm high mmr hurrr" and then I look at Jussi or Snaks profile... and back to yours... You don't look that special bro. Typical trash losing games in ranked and dropping in mmr.


                                      Get off my case rand.


                                        >5stacking for 90% of the games
                                        >solo and not caring about kda playing with overpassive trashcans like you for 90% of the games
                                        know the difference

                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                          There is a difference between passive and over extending. Know you limit. Feed more scrub.

                                          >I have 1.x-2.x Kda's on my most played heroes. "I'm a GOOD PLAYER, my team is OVER PASSIVE in ranked"

                                          Lol, get off my forums please.


                                            u w0t m8
                                            ur not in a position to call anyone scrub and teach me dota just as mentally retarded people aren't in a position to call others retards. wait a second... both apply to you.

                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                              See the thing is here I know I'm bad and never claimed to be good. However you're under some delusion that you're good.

                                              That's what separates us.


                                                can u off yourself already?

                                                one and half gun

                                                  emptyjar doesnt stack or give a fuck about kda, nor does anyone since the release of ranked you dumb ignorant cunt


                                                    People still care about kdas on top hero and actually consider that as a legit measure of skill?
                                                    Look at this guys profile
                                                    All of his top heroes have 1.6 - 2.7 kda at highest, and he has 5.8k mmr and is currently rated as the 45th highest player on us.

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      oh wow bringing yugi in this huh

                                                      yeah kda is pointless since the release of ranked, on my smurf i have probably 1 kda since i feed intentionally if my team sucks or i don't like playing with them despite its 5.4k

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        same on this acc

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          It's not a measure of skill (directly, however contributes to the factors), shows general performance imho.