General Discussion

General Discussiononly 3 episodes left..

only 3 episodes left.. in General Discussion

    im gonna cry


      what are u talking about




          i stopped watching naruto like 400 episodes in >.< it goes for too fucking long lol and that was like 4 years ago so its prob upto like 800 by now


            ? why would u think im talking about naruto
            i wont cry when naruto ends.


              hxh obviously.
              best anime in the world


                hunter x hunter? is that almost finished it is a great anime i stopped watching it like 2 years ago tho i ran out of episodes
                how many episodes in total i might finish it if its not too long i will have to rewatch the whole thing tho


                  it's free! you stupid fucking noobs... i bet haru goes to australia :'( Them feeeelz


                    ^da fuq u on about?


                      ^poor kid..
                      they made a remake in 2011 with kimera ants arc and + :)
                      145 episodes atm, the remake is rly op :)
                      as the ant arc n everything :)
                      go watch it now :)
                      and no its not about to end, only the animes, i guess they will need a long break again :(

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                        yer i was watching the remake but like i finished all the episodes and i dont like watching it week by week so i told myself i watch it again wen its finished >.< but 145 episodes is alot :D

                        ICE SKULL

                          it'll be finished when ur in the afterlife


                            what im really desperately waiting for the berserk the 4th movie


                              Quackabout 3 hours ago

                              hunter x hunter? is that almost finished it is a great anime i stopped watching it like 2 years ago tho i ran out of episodes
                              how many episodes in total i might finish it if its not too long i will have to rewatch the whole thing tho


                              Sorry, but you really need to learn punctation and how to set up a text.

                              You´re making yourself look like an uneducated joke when you write like this:

                              hello im krey and i love watching naruto its very fun but kinda annoying cause reasons blunt is a cute devil too however he is bad at trolling yet he thinks he is good or smart or anything among these lines its fun to be smart though and this looks stupid as fuck

                              I´m not being mean, however I´m being random.
                              I hate reading people who can not write properly to make it easy and understandable, but make it look like a 4- year old wrote it.. Owell, hope you do something to make yourself able to express the actual you, instead of some random teenager who cannot write properly. :)

                              Este comentário foi editado
                              Hex Sigma

                                In other news naruto is also almost over.


                                  English is not all of our first language.... im starting to see why you are so unpopular around here lol

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    whos ur favorite hxh

                                    mine is pitou

                                    Miku Plays

                                      i write like this on internet... is this bad dd.. idk why am i puting a lot of periods..


                                        the squid guy


                                          i honestly dont remember many of the hxh characters its been almost 2 years since i watched it all. i remember 2 boys go to a city and fight up levels of a big towers but then a bunch of naughty guys come or something >.< i dont exactly remember i will watch it again after i finish watching No Game No Life

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                                          ICE SKULL

                                            heavens arc had great potential, i dont know why they stopped climbing it because they barely reached halfway through it

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              i bet they're gonna go back there to restore gon's nen or some shit lol


                                                Yeah i cried too by naruto. I was like "I can't belive i spent 10 euro for this shit"


                                                  i cried when i watched twilight. anybody else?




                                                      Gons nin is already back... Lol. They are actually preparing to enter into alien world as humans are obviously not enuf :laugh:

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                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        which chapter states gons nen is back? he went back to his aunt to live as a normal kid

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                                                          Which chapter did u read. Have you read/seen the HxH serials. Killuas sister restores Gon and he is right now with his dad. I havnt seen the old manga so im nt sure what ur talking about.


                                                            he restores gon but his nen is still glitched or someth


                                                              lol people still watching naruto?? i stopped watching naruto when madara came back to life with edo tensei


                                                                i think when nanika healed gon she just made him back like he was before he had nen.
                                                                thats why he looked so young in the last episode.

                                                                but since he alrdy learned all the mechanisms of nen n shit, its gonna be ez to get back to his actual level, or even more.
                                                                imo there will be son-dad adventures in the next arc, i cant imagine how gon would let his dad get out of his life again after seeing him etc )

                                                                ^And naruto is pretty op atm :)

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