General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos

Necrophos in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    He's pretty strong and I'm starting to like playing him. Did a few games, not great outcomes but he is a fun hero. Probably the simplest dota hero every. If you want to farm a wave you spam Q twice. If you want to fight you run in and spam Q and R whoever gets under 50% hp first. Easy.

    What's optimal builds though? I went treads each game but I can see how phase would be good. For one thing the IAS on treads seems wasted since I generally use Q to farm and don't build a lot of right click dmg items for hero fighting. Phase seems pretty nice for helping last hit in lane and then kiting with heartstopper going later.

    I also built aghs every game but I'm not sure how necessary it is. It's pretty amazing if you get it fast cus it lowers your cooldown and if you look at the wiki the kill threshold is 23/31/40 without aghs and 31/40/47 with. At level 3 that 7% usually isn't a huge deal as you're in team fights and your target gets bursted so fast anyway, or in a 1v1 you usually have enough dmg by the to do the extra 7%. So I'm not sure if aghs should be gotten 100% of the time. It does have really nice stats though, a point booster at level 10 is a huge boost.

    What about mek? I would go mek every game if no one else does, but what if support wants to build it? Do I still go for a mek? I skipped it in my last game cus we had two supports but I felt noticeably less tanky. On the other hand skipping mek doesn't really hurt your farm cus of sadist you don't need the regen and it is half of aghs price if rushing that.

    Then after that? I find it funny halberd isn't in his recommended items, it seems amazing on him. Vs a couple right clicking teams I built it. Disarm their carry, dodge a bunch of attacks, more hp, what's not to love? Also love shivas. I haven't had the farm to get a heart yet too. And what about skadi? Just trying to figure out which of those are best. Bloodstone might be good too.

    I think my normal build is going to be treads, mek, aghs, halberd if they have right click, bkb if I need it, shivas, heart.

    Any suggestions otherwise?

    Also do you find it necessary to announce during picks that you are not a damn support? He kind of sucks with no farm, having two other carrys and two supports seems best but many games end up with only one support and then everyone nags me to buy wards. What lane do you like necro in? I haven't gone mid yet, I probably should, but someone else always takes it. He seems flexible though, can farm safe or harass offlane.

    Do you get heartstopper early? One point is pretty sweet for pestering the other team but also pushes the lane pretty badly. I've been doing 3/1/1/1 build at 6, then maxing everything else before heartstopper. Is that the way to go?

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      Dire Wolf

        Forgot about bassy, that would be pretty solid on him. Pipe too.

          Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

            Build for mid:
            Null + tango -> brown boots -> Mek or veil -> BKB if needed. After this you have to decide what's gonna be your role on the team: If you need to tank: Shivas, Heart, Bloodstone, Aghs, Sheepstick. If you need to deal damage: dagon 1 -> eblade -> dagon 5 -> aghs.
            Any item that makes you tankier can be considered, so skadi, linkens and halberd are situational pick ups.
            Rushing aghs is not always the best choice. There are other items to deal enough damage to proc your ult, you get aghs for the respawn timer increase which is huge past 30 mins into the game.
            I don't find neither PT nor Phase necessary, he does fine with brown boots if you're not getting bursted down or kited too hard.
            Skillbuild is first point on heartstopper, max Q, max saddist, take ult when posible.

            He can support if you're forced to, just play greedy and transition into semi carry later. As long as you don't die you're doing fine.

            ICE SKULL

              i rush phase mek agha every game on my smurf which is sitting at 5.3k now

              i think i'll avoid playing necro until im 5.9k+ because it's a complete pubstomp if i pick necro since my teammates are usually at a higher mmr than me on my smurf

              Quick maffs

                @I am going to order 2 tacos

                Hey so if i am not mistaken Timberwolf is 3k so i really think everything you said there is relative, necro was my hero to go to get free mmr at the start of 3k and even now.

                He is a really strong mid in pubs ( at least around my level )

                "-treads>phase; extra tankability, better for jungling/farming etc."

                I really like phase more, well i mean, i dont KNOW how to play him without phase.

                "-aghs is trash unless 5th/6th item or its like 45-50 min+ for buyback disable
                -mek is core, supports getting mek is cancer. u need survivability, and 6 min mek > 20 min mek by like 1000x"

                Agree with those two points.


                ALWAYS go for mek man, its just so good on him

                Try to play him mid, yes its true that he is not that strong in mid but if you outplay your opponent a bit you can get levels and gold really fast in mid.

                Quick maffs

                  I would say aghs is a 4th item, i like to get something more tanky between mek and aghs


                    if anyone remembers bone7 going midas > mek on dark seer, i wonder how that would work out on necro. both farm pretty fast, so that the mek timing is still early, and they're both level dependent.

                    Girl with beautiful face

                      PT>Meka ( situational )> freaking armlet, best item on necro>shiva\disarm\dager>agha\hot\hex

                      Harry hamburgerryg

                        Necro is tha shit

                        Dire Wolf

                          Aghs for increased respawn time? Do you mean cus aghs gets easier kills with ult? Cus I don't think it adds more to the respawn time besides the normal 30%.

                          Armlet? Hmmm that might be pretty good actually.

                          What about a pushing necro with necro book? He clears waves super fast with Q, then spawn the creeps to keep pushing/kill towers.


                            Sorry I was confused ROFL. I meant the inability to buyback.


                              I'm pretty rubbish and play well below dotabuff-tier however for what it is worth I've been having much better success since playing him mid with dagon rush (wr gone from 50% to 80%)

                              Start by telling team I'm not support then buy null+wards and head mid with a point in HSA. I max death pulse by 7 so figure I can get away without any regen. Aim for sub-10 dagon and then look for some kills. Scythe first for stun and then dagon before scythe damage is calculated.

                              I have mana issues at this point though so I either upgrade dagon or go euls (extra ms I find v. helpful) and can allow you one more DP if you cast it on yourself (HSA also continues whilst your are invuln FYI)) or carry on farming the eblade and then finish the dagon.

                              Pretty squishy at this point (maybe Mek should've been got) so generally pick up shivas. Lastly would get refresher and aghs but doesn't really happen.

                              I find mid easy unless it is against a very strong mid hero. HSA + a couple of auto-attacks seems to keep most at bay.
                              For clearing creep waves don't use two DP, soften up the melee creeps and then one DP + auto-attack the ranged creep works best.

                              Unless you're very aware (I'm not) I think aghs is a waste - how many times in the game are you going to scythe their carry when he has buy back off cool down, has the cash and is in a situation where he needs to use it? I'd rather refresher and take out two heroes who may or may not have buyback.

                              Disclaimer: I play Normal not High/Very High so the above is offered humbly and will most likely be stupid for others but works for me where I am.


                                I played 2 games in a row where my Necrolyte would max Heartstopper first, walk to the Radiant jungle between the small, medium, and large camps...and proceed to AFK farm. Literally just stand there and let his aura kill creeps. Not even moving.

                                It was like a Sand King, only without the hope of the hero stopping at some point and becoming useful.

                                Still won, 10/10 new meta best necrolyte strat.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Wow that's so bad. At max aura it takes necro like 66 seconds to kill any creep. SK at max sandstorm clears camps in like 6 seconds. Even doing three camps at once sk is like twice as fast at least.

                                  Oleksander I'm still confused, aghs doesn't change the inability to buyback, it's in the base ult. I'm just going to assume you mean it's easier to score an ult kill with aghs to prevent buybacks.

                                  Again I am having mega issues getting people to understand the role I'm trying to play as necro. I first picked him last night, next pick was a random IO so he says let's setup a duo mid. I suggest someone pick tiny, but guy picks pudge. Ok rot + tether, not completely awful, next two picks are PA and tinker. WHAT THE FUCK! PA gets pissed cus I am taking hits in safe lane, tinker doesn't do shit offlane, whole setup is just fucked. It probably doesn't matter what I play with picks like that but seems like my team's picks are godawful every time I necro.


                                    ^ Nope, you NEED the Aghanim's for your ulti to cancel the ability to buyback.


                                      Yeah, the only thing regular ulti does is increase death timer. Well. And kill them.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Oh I see that now, you have to read the small aghs tooltip not the stuff on the right on wiki. That's pretty big late game but again, after mek, shivas/halberd/whatever is probably fine.