General Discussion

General DiscussionYou know its a good dota day when..

You know its a good dota day when.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    when do you know it?

    wasted penguinz

      when u find a game without russians in it , which means never


        when u feel like u can play void 50 games in a row


          When you dont hope your team slowly burn in a fire while you pour salt over their open wounds while their family watch while you throw acid over them.

          Bad Intentions

            ^ho lee schitt :O


              When you had a good night of sleep. Sleeping too little means slower reflexes, less concentration (less last hits, less map awareness, worse positioning), worse decision making.
              Wheen you're in a good mood. Bad mood means getting pissed off by your shitty teammates which usually leads to losing games.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                When your teammates actually have that thing called "brain".


                  When i pick Meepo and the enemy 2 last pick are sniper and phoneix

                  gertouille la fripouille

                    When i pick Phoenix

                    Hex Sigma

                      what sam said


                        When everyone speaks English and coordinates picks/lanes during the pick phase.


                          when you win and you dont lose.

                          Quick maffs

                            +1 to Sam

                            Uffe drengen

                              when you watch pro dota and u realize ur not that far off


                                "when you watch pro dota and u realize ur not that far off"

                                26% winrate.


                                  when you mute a piece of meat then get it in the next game and lose again


                                    when you can do stupid shit in ranked games and still win


                                      When I don't see Weaver or Disruptor anywhere

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        u got a problem wiv weaver m8?


                                          when you get 5 min midas + 2 kills on n'aix while jungling from lvl 1 and you're the most underfarmed in your team :D


                                            When you first pick a support, and not have a shit carry.


                                              When the enemy team hasnt taken all outer towers 20 mins in


                                                When you accidentally solo queue ranked on Russian server, and discover that the Russians playing there are much nicer and more polite than most of the people queueing on eu west.

                                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                  when mah supports gank mid

                                                  DeFi Maxi

                                                    when ii am on holiday and nothing to think about but DoTA ;)

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!