General Discussion

General Discussionrequesting replay analysis

requesting replay analysis in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    My last 2 lich games. Why did i win? what could i do more?

    Did i win because

    a. I kept my team alive and stacked ice armor on carries?
    b. I had a good early game presence?
    c. Someone snowballed?
    d. Luck?
    e. Cooperation?


      you have aggressive lane ups against weak early game and bullshits heroes

      Hex Sigma



          you won because you picked lich, thats it bro

          Hex Sigma

            ^I should spam it more then

            ICE SKULL

              ur mmr is 3k or something, players in that bracket have around 100 cs after 50 minutes so having a lich in ur team turns those 100s into 50s


                No point on analizing a won game. Go lose a game then ask for analysis.

                Hex Sigma

                  well imo it is. Because I wasn't expecting to win them. Tbh I don't even know how I won them hence the thread. Imo you can learn from a match regardless of the result(win/loss)

                  King of Low Prio

                    you learn alot more from analyzing losses, most of the time in wins you are making the same mistakes you are when you lose BUT the other team does not take advantage of it therefore you dont really see them as mistakes.