General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you guys having the shittiest teammates in the world in your games

Are you guys having the shittiest teammates in the world in your games in General Discussion

    What's with the bad teammates recently? I know some of it is my fault but jesus christ...

    I've been 4-10 last 14 games. This is retarded Sniper takes mid from me and forces me to go top, then commences to feed to a QoP ...Necrophos....??? Witch Doctor and SB lane together, and think with WD level 1 heal they have the ability to dive tier 1s at level 4

    I hate Dota 2


      Dude I need to watch that first game. Regardless of lane I have no idea how you pull off <1 cs a minute as Tinker.


        Oh I just sat in base and Rocket/Rearmed for like 15 mins

        g w s

          lolol oh man


            Why do you think my HD is so high XD


              your teammates think the same about you so shut up and get gud U NEB

              jk bro but i really mean it

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                  Are you fucking kidding me SD 0-14 Void Weaver absolutely no farm whatsoever


                    I'm 4-10 in my last 14 games, too.
                    But I don't bark, ty.

                    ez -150mmr, yet i still don't bark.

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                    Ples Mercy

                      it's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                      srsly though, you might want to consider playing on EU west.

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                      Quick maffs

                        I dont think tinker is your hero bro :/


                          your qw build is awful even by qw standards.
                          maxing laser by 7 and taking at 1/3/5/7 rather than 1/4/6/8 increases your single target damage which boosts the odds of you getting a kill. the build is already risky and you're just making it even riskier with no benefit by making kills harder to get.

                          your tinker stats are by no means godlike so you're equally to blame for your losses. yeah they could have played better, but so could you.


                            by 'they' i mean ur teammates

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