General Discussion

General Discussionnot recorded matches count as lost matches in dotabuff

not recorded matches count as lost matches in dotabuff in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    happened twice to me today, this last one sniper left game before he killed any creep was lvl1 match was no stats recorded and i got lost in dotabuff


      Unfortunately we don't have a perfect process for determining whether or not a match "counts" or not. The Dota API does not supply enough information or a concrete process for making this determination. We have developed an in-house algorithm that has over 99% accuracy, but it cannot be sure in all situations.
      If and when Valve adds support to the API that allows us to determine whether a match counted, and if each player received a win, loss or abandon, we will retroactively fix all matches and recalculate records. Please do not contact support regarding this issue, we are powerless to fix this.

      Jay Ashborne

        Vsnak youre not mod shhhhh. (Possibly right)

        Kamado Kun

          thats bad, i consider my dotabuff data more important than my dota ingame profile, wins or whatever haha