General Discussion

General DiscussionMorph questions

Morph questions in General Discussion

    Ok so how is he really supposed to be played? I just started playing him and I basically just farm until I at least get e-blade and then engage, otherwise I find it quite risky - is it a good way or shall I engage sooner? I had bad start because supps left me after like 3-4 mins, I was vs tiny and disruptor so I missed quite a few lh's to not risk dying + we lost top tower soon (they didnt even attempt to def it) so we had quite shit map control but otherwise I think I did quite good, I did some splitpushing when they were fighting.

    Also, I always build something like: pt -> linkens -> eblade -> butterfly/manta and usually the game is over at this point and cant get more, this game got mkb for obvious reasons (didnt know gyro is so underfarmed, tho) but what about getting early helm? Morph jungling abilities seem shit early so I guess it could be a good pick up to speed the farming up by a bit

    Here are 2 other, I think, decent played ones by me

    So, any feedback, advice?


      I think the most common mistake morphlings make is they way they use their replicant.

      Also, you need to not miss last hits. That hero needs so much farm to come online. Generally two big ticket items like linkens and eblade. If you are a player that misses some last hits during free farm, morphling is not for you.

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        Well as I said, I missed them by not going for them to not risk dying.

        So whats the common mistake? I usually use it as my escape or lets say I push top and send my illu with my team so I can join them any moment




            The Illu should be sent either with your team or to a different lane so you can keep splitpushing. He's pretty much like antimage in a sense that he can dish out a lot of damage early, but he's also squishy as fuck so you have to be careful anyways. That said, with a couple of levels he can solo kill most supports and you should take advantage of this if the situation comes (e.g. solo supports out of position).

            He's quite flexible in terms of itemization, IMO. You can consider yasha into bkb if the enemy team is cc heavy, if not you can go for linkens into eblade/manta/butterfly. Skip the eblade if the enemy team doesn't have squishy heroes (e.g. str supports far ahead), the whole point of the item is to start a fight 4v5 by oneshotting someone. If behind you can consider building as any ranged agility carry: dominator,
            manta into butterfly.
            PS: Looking at the games you stomped is not the way to improve. Look at the games you lost and ask yourself what would have made you win instead.

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              Thanks for some feedback.

              I will admit the very first games I was using the eblade completly wrong, using it on a main focus at 50% hp, kinda giving him a chance to be saved but the last game I actually saw the strength of that item and that poor supports melting upon it.

              Sending the illu to other lane doesnt seem so legit early on (6-9 lvl) when the illu lasts so short, also I think its more risky then because you have no way out.

              Agree on the supports step, probably should have been a bit more agressive at some points in my games.

              Good advices on the items, I realize I know to build items depending on the enemy setup but when it comes to game then I just keep doing the old build - I should improve on that


                To play morphing you need to go either safe lane (tri lane ideally) or mid that you can counter pretty good because you need to get A LOT of farm. Try to get few kills in early game to speed up the process but it doesn't always happen.

                Morph is pretty good tower pusher and that's where you get the big amount of gold from and also your team mates.

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