General Discussion

General DiscussionCan we instruct the masses on how to sniper?

Can we instruct the masses on how to sniper? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Sniper is insanely popular now, I guess he always has been pretty high, but I still see people doing retarded builds with him. Well maybe not all out retarded but suboptimal.

    Every single sniper I get on my team maxes headshot and take aim before shrapnel and it drives me nuts! Now I often max take aim as well, but what is the point of headshots when your IAS is awful? The mini stun is great, but maxing it early doesn't add that much dmg while shrapnel gives you HUGE tower killing ability. My main goal playing sniper mid now is kill the tower asap. Obviously last hits are hugely important as is not getting ganked, since he's susceptible to that, but I usually kill the tower before any others go down, then rotate lanes to drop the other two t1s. If you kill all their t1s before they get one of yours, you will have a distinct team gold advantage.

    Shrapnel is also crazy good for stopping pushes. It grabs all the creep aggro, slows em and a level 4 shrapnel does 480 dmg over 10 seconds to enemy heroes, which few heroes can tank around level 8 or 9. Maybe some str heroes are up to 1k hp by then but agi ones are not. Plus the range is so long you can D that tower from a very safe distance so it's pretty strong at defending your t1s. My build is usually W, E, Q, E, Q, R, E, E so it's maxed by level 8.

    The other thing that drives me nuts is what they build with ZERO regard to who you are facing. These idiots will build shadow blades every time even if enemy team has zero gankers and there's hardly any potential sniper will be caught out of position. They'll build desolators even if the enemy team is all disable/nuke heroes who kill poor sniper in seconds. What good is your deso against a blinking slardar or centuar or slark? Mask isn't a terrible item, sniper's build it all the time, but they almost never pop it defensively for the move speed. It's always to chase escaping enemies or do more dmg, never to save their asses. And don't even get me started on crystalis and how worthless crit is on a proc based hero where IAS > all.

    Instead my standard build is always, boots (phase vs treads is pretty much a toss up depending on who you are facing), aquila, sange and yasha. Well actually I often throw a maelstrom in there before s&y, but yes THAT'S RIGHT mother fing s&y every damn game. Why? Makes sniper tanky. Makes sniper fast. Makes sniper shoot fast. Gives him a decent dmg boost and a killer proc. Just check out item win rates for common first items after boots/aquila items:

    Sniper baseline win rate - 49.8%
    Crystalis - 51.48%
    Shadow blade - 55.53%
    Mask of madness - 53.01%
    Maelstrom - 46.88% (this is low cus almost everyone in a winning game completes it, still a good first or second item)
    Helm of dominator - 58.27% (kind of bad early cus you don't do enough dmg, yet I see snipers building it before any big dmg item)
    Blink dagger - 59% for all the cool kids who watch too many pro replays
    Desolator - 63.82% WOW that's pretty good right?
    Sange and Yasha - 65.97... fuck it we're rounding up 66%!!!! for 4100g! That is super easy to build in pieces!

    And the best part about it is your unique modifier spot is still available which means you can stack with this lovely little thing called skadi later if you want. Let's look at some of the really big ticket items:

    Manta Style - 69% ok that's pretty good but consider this is an expensive item so if you get it you are probably farming pretty well, well enough to instead purchase the next few which have better win rates. Simply put, sniper's illusions can't proc headshot dmg or bash, they can only proc the non-evade part. So it's kind of a waste to go manta when you could get almost equal stats off s&y for 1k less gold.
    MKB - 72% pretty nice, but really only necessary vs butterfly holders or PA
    Mjollnir - 72% YEEAAA IAS!
    Daedulus - 73.57% Ok I dislike crit but if you can afford this you're rolling which is why I'm not surprised by the win rate
    Skadi - 76.44%
    Abyssal blade - 76% probably only bought to troll during wins
    AC - 76% butterfly is better though
    Butterfly - 80.75%

    Simply put, based on this evidence, I have no clue why s&y is not considered core and why skadi is built so infrequently. If you have s&y and skadi you are unkillable. Like this and this

    First match I 1v1'd chaos knight and bounty late. They couldn't touch me even with their initiation. Second game I could easily tank through slark's ult. Just doesn't matter at that point.

    Anyway I just want to see less glass cannon snipers, more tanky snipers and more tower killing snipers. That is all.

    Este tópico foi editado
    bum farto or you can do my recent build.


        soul ring shrapnel sniper is the best. you always need max shrapnel at lv7

        Dire Wolf

          I have tried the soul ring/max shrapnel route first and it wasn't my cup of tea though it is not bad and better than most sniper defaults.

          Havoc yours is too high skill for most, blink and boots of travel? Too many decisions for me and most to handle. Just go tanky items, have good positioning, spam shrapnel, win.