General Discussion

General DiscussionYour favorite..............

Your favorite.............. in General Discussion
Ples Mercy


    I'm bored, gogo. Let us know ur favorite doto 2 shiats.


      F T S
      U H H
      C I  I
      K S T


        Hero: Tinker
        Item: Eblade+Dagon 5
        Carry: Tinker
        Support: -
        Jungler: Tinker (ancients)
        Ganker: Tinker
        Initiator: Tinker
        Active: Rearm
        Passive: -
        Cosmetic: Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III


          hero: Mirana

          item: Blink

          Carry: Felt in love with Terrorblade lately, however probably Mirana

          Support: Vengeful Raper

          Jungler: Terrorblade/Enigma

          Ganker: Bloodseeker

          initiator: Centaur

          Active: Either Arrow (Miranas W) or Double Edge (Centaurs W)

          Passive: Silencers int steal (I guess that qualify?)

          Cosmetic: Legion Arcana

          However: Seems like someone is proud of their High bracket Tinker c:8

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            Sand King
            Stone Gaze/Burrow Strike
            Fiery Soul
            Does Itsy counts?

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              Carry: BKB, Sven and Anti

              Support: Mek, Whichever one I have the misfortune of randoming

              Jungler: Vlads, Lycan

              Ganker: Blink, Meepo
              initiator: Blink, Meepo

              Active: Poof, EarthBind

              Passive: Divided we stand, Great Cleave

              Cosmetic: Meepo Sets


                hero: ta
                item: ethereal blade
                carry: tb
                support: lich/treant
                jungler: cliff prophet
                ganker: bat?
                initiator: bat
                active: conjure image
                passive: psi blade
                cosmetic : whispering dead mantle... removes the mask from ta

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Hero: Furion
                  Item: Blink Dagger
                  Carry: Lycan
                  Support: Rubick
                  Jungler: Enigma
                  Ganker: Rubick
                  Initiator: Enigma
                  Active: Black Hole
                  Passive: Static Field
                  Cosmetic: Schyte of Vyse


                    hero: Vengeful Spirit
                    item: Blink Dagger / Necro3
                    Carry: Tiny
                    Support: Vengeful Spirit
                    Jungler: Enigma
                    Ganker: Tusk / Slardar
                    initiator: Tide / Slardar
                    Active: Necrophos Ult
                    Passive: Necrophos Aura / Tiny Ult
                    Cosmetic: Immortal Dragon Form


                      hero: Doom
                      item: Refresher Orb
                      Carry: Doom
                      Support: Doom
                      Jungler: Doom
                      Ganker: Doom
                      initiator: Doom with Blink/SB
                      Active: Doom
                      Passive: Wolf Aura
                      Cosmetic: My genuine omoz with 3 kinetic gem in it


                        hero: Ember
                        item: Heaven Halberd
                        Carry: Templar Assassin
                        Support: Rubick
                        Jungler: Enigma
                        Ganker: Mirana
                        initiator: Nyx Nyx Nyx
                        Active: Supernova (Phoenix ult)
                        Passive: Greevil's Greed (alch)
                        Cosmetic: My Embers hat(bets ty ty)

                        the realm's delight

                          hero: invoker
                          item: midas
                          carry: drow ranger
                          support: none
                          jungler: enigma
                          ganker: potm
                          initiator: invoker
                          active: march of the machines
                          passive: necromastery
                          cosmetic: tinker imortal boots

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                          Hex Sigma

                            hero: windrunner/zeus
                            item: aghs
                            carry: zeus
                            support: lich
                            jungler: enigma
                            ganker: zeus
                            initiator: dark seer
                            active: thundergod's wrath(zeus ult)
                            passive: feral impulse(lycan passive)
                            cosmetic: windranger immortal cape

                            Sugar Show

                              hero:Nature's Prophet
                              Carry:Troll warlord
                              Support:Lich gonna have yo momma
                              Jungler:Nature's Prophet
                              Ganker:Shadow Shaman
                              initiator:Shadow Shaman
                              Passive:Fury swipes

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                              Armada Fantasma

                                hero: queen of pain
                                item: blink
                                Carry: luna
                                Support: abbadon
                                Jungler: chen
                                Ganker: chen
                                initiator: magnus
                                Active: blink
                                Passive: feral impulse
                                Cosmetic: stumpy curier


                                  Hero: Windranger/Nature's Prophet
                                  Item: Blink Dagger
                                  Carry: Weaver
                                  Support: Rubick
                                  Jungler: Nature's Prophet
                                  Ganker: Clockwerk/Tinker
                                  Initiator: Enigma
                                  Active: Surge
                                  Passive: Quas


                                    hero: rubick
                                    item: blink
                                    Carry: luna
                                    Support: rubick
                                    Jungler: furion/enigma
                                    Ganker: any support that has a disable i guess
                                    initiator: centaur
                                    Active: glimpse
                                    Passive: psiblades
                                    Cosmetic: my kky staff with 5 gems i guess


                                      hero: luna
                                      item: drums of endurance
                                      Carry: luna
                                      Support: luna
                                      Jungler: luna
                                      Ganker: luna
                                      initiator: luna
                                      Active: eclipse
                                      Passive: lunar blessing
                                      Cosmetic: midnight locks


                                        hero: slark
                                        item: blink
                                        carry: slark
                                        support: skywrath
                                        jungler: furion
                                        ganker: wat
                                        initiator: tide
                                        active: slark's ulti
                                        passive: slark's ulti
                                        cosmetic: slark set

                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          hero: No one specific.
                                          item: Blink dagger/Abyssal Blade
                                          Carry: Tiny
                                          Support: Vengeful Spirit/Crystal Maiden
                                          Jungler: I only jungle with Doom, so I guess him.
                                          Ganker: Slardar/Pudge
                                          initiator: I'm so bad at this role I can't think of a favourite.
                                          Active: Toss/Meat Hook
                                          Passive: Coup de Grace/Arcane Aura
                                          Cosmetic: Beaver Knight courier


                                            hero: baby roshan
                                            item: tree
                                            carry: IO
                                            support: PA
                                            jungler: Ancient Apparition
                                            ganker: Anti Mage
                                            initiator: PL
                                            active: Armor Bonus (Buckler)
                                            passive: Headdress
                                            cosmetic: The second disciples satchel ( so epic!)


                                              Hero: Morphling
                                              Item: Refresher
                                              Carry: Morphling
                                              Support: Rubick
                                              Jungler: Enigma
                                              Ganker: QoP
                                              Initiator: Storm
                                              Active: Pretty much every Invoker spell
                                              Passive: Coup de Grace
                                              Cosmetic: Coco the Courageous


                                                Hero: Anti-Mage
                                                Item: Eul's Scepter of Divinity
                                                Carry: Lifestealer (after Magina of course :D)
                                                Support: Windranger
                                                Jungler: Lycan
                                                Ganker: Lion
                                                Initiator: Sand King
                                                Active: Mana Void (feels so good to see 1k+ damage to whole enemy team)
                                                Passive: Drunken Brawler
                                                Cosmetic: Chaos Knight's Entropic set

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Hero: So many favorites! But if we're picking just one to play, Wraith King right now
                                                  Item: Assault Curiass
                                                  Carry: Oh a chance to pick someone other than wk... I'll go with Sniper
                                                  Support: Lich
                                                  Jungler: Doom
                                                  Ganker: Slark
                                                  Initiator: Tide
                                                  Active: Doom!
                                                  Passive: Feast
                                                  Cosmetic: Idk that new dragon's ascension set is cool


                                                    hero: mirana
                                                    item: sny, phase boots
                                                    Carry: luna, sniper, pa
                                                    Support: disruptor, mirana
                                                    Jungler: enigma
                                                    Ganker: sand king, earthshaker
                                                    initiator: enigma, sand king
                                                    Active: burrowstrike, glimpse, moonlight shadow, ice path
                                                    Passive: degen aura, arcane aura
                                                    Cosmetic: beanie for earthshaker, pointy hat for sniper

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                                                      hero: Wispa
                                                      item: Tp
                                                      Carry: Void
                                                      Support: Lion
                                                      Jungler: Ursor
                                                      Ganker: Zeus
                                                      initiator: Nigma
                                                      Active: Chrono
                                                      Passive: Thirst
                                                      Cosmetic: void bf

                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                        hero: Phantom Assassin
                                                        item: Drum of Endurance
                                                        Carry: Phantom Assassin
                                                        Support: Skywrath Mage
                                                        Jungler: Lycan
                                                        Ganker: wat
                                                        initiator: uhh ... sometimes I blink at enemies as Anti-Mage to force the rest of my team into fighting, so I guess AM?
                                                        Active: Troll ult (whatever that's called)
                                                        Passive: Coup de Grace
                                                        Cosmetic: your mum's perfume (idgaf about items)


                                                          hero: Crystal Maiden
                                                          item: Ethereal Blade
                                                          Carry: Luna/Phantom Assassin
                                                          Support: Crystal Maiden/Ancient Apparition
                                                          Jungler: Enigma
                                                          Ganker: Puck/Pudge
                                                          initiator: Enigma/Tidehunter
                                                          Active: Laguna Blade/Midnight Pulse/Viper Strike (w/ Aghs)/Black Hole
                                                          Passive: Coup de Grace/Fury Swipes
                                                          Cosmetic: Tidehunter's Blink Dagger/Crystal Maiden's Sceptre of Icewrack

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                                                            hero: Clockwerk
                                                            item: Daedalus
                                                            Carry: Anti-Mage
                                                            Support: Disruptor
                                                            Jungler: Enigma (but I'm pretty shit at him)
                                                            Ganker: Queen of Pain
                                                            initiator: Tidehunter
                                                            Active: Shadowstrike
                                                            Passive: Psi Blades
                                                            Cosmetic: Arc of Manta


                                                              hero: anti mage
                                                              item: boots of travel
                                                              carry: chaos knight
                                                              support: lina
                                                              jungler: lifestealer /s
                                                              ganker: clinkz?
                                                              initiator: DOOOOM
                                                              active: mana void
                                                              passive: mana break
                                                              cosmetic: shard of retribution/vengeance for anti mage or the pointy wizard hat for lina