General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath Mage Tips

Skywrath Mage Tips in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I really like this hero's playstyle, but I'm absolute shit at playing him.

    My entire contribution in this game was:
    A: Ganking the top lane to help Bloodcyka start his snowball
    B: Make Ursa waste his Overpower swings


      B: Make Ursa waste his Overpower swings

      Thats gotta hurt. Lol

      Este comentário foi editado

        awful itembuild, sky needs to stack int to be revelant, there are better mek carriers in the game. most basic build for sky is arcanes->atos , it gives tons of int and guarantee that nobody will leave your ult

        carry me pls

 Just go boot urn dagon, if game is hard then maybe a force staff / atos / early ghost scepter. I play him as support, so obs + courier, 1 tango 1 branch 3 clarities. Go spam Q at enemy , at best it wins your safelane / get a kill, at worst it blows all the enemies regen. You could experiment with leaving ult at level 1, I prefer to get stats after maxing everything else.

          Este comentário foi editado

            dont listen to him dagon is awful. arcanes, if ur snowballing out of control and you're a core sky i like to get bloodstone. it's not standard but it wins me games if i complete it under 20 mins. u need movement and lockdown, so a force staff is a must. a lot of ppl get atos, but i like to get play greedy on him and usually demolish late game carries with a force staff hex ancient seal and mystic flare. throw in a eblade if ur really rich.

            So, basically: Arcane into force staff (bloodstone if you're wrecking and you are core, which you usually are because this hero is a lane dominator), ghost scepter if being owned by right click damage, i usually get it when going against void and juggernaut, hex, then either eblade or aghanims. I'd get aghanims if i need more survivability and have bloodstone, otherwise i'd get eblade.


              @JUAN ANTONIO JAVIER
              Atos gives twice as much int than force and it synergizes with sky ulti

              King of Low Prio

                I play skywrath mostly mid

                starting items

                null + 2-3 clarities and pooled tangos


                bottle + mana boots + force staff (to deal with his mobility issues)


                bloodstone (sheepstick. eblade etc if game goes really late)

                while int is great on skywrath alot of players tend to overvalue how much it does for their Arcane bolt.

                a full Scythe of Vyse gives 35 int

                35 x 1.6 = 21.875

                so all you gain from it is 22 bonus dmg on your Arcane bolt

                Dire Wolf

                  Dazzle should've built the mek probably but force staff is awesome on skywrath.


                    Sampson, Isn't 35 x 1.6 = 56? Giving you 56 bonus damage? I could be completely wrong on this, but that's how I've always tried to figure his bonus damage....

                    Dire Wolf

                      Yeah he calculated only 60% of the int when I think is wrong. But int is damn good on sky either way for more mana, more right click. But that doens't mean force staff is subpar, it's amazing. I just probably would not go bloodstone on him. Skadi is like 600 more, more hp, more mana, will give you damage which bloodstone doesn't give any. Well 10 I guess to your right click. Bloodstone is for super fast mana regen for like storm and dp but on sky I was a big pool to spam bolts.


                        Yes it's 56...

                        King of Low Prio

                          It was early in the morning and my brain had not turned on yet -_-

                          the bloodstone gives you the ability to snowball alot harder imo.

                          Dire Wolf

                            But how? By giving you unlimited mana to spam all your spells? Cus it doesn't do much else for you, does sky need mana that much more than raw int?

                            King of Low Prio

                              as skywrath I blow through mana extremely fast, 800 mana for your ulti and when its on a 20sec CD makes it hard to control

                              Dire Wolf

                                Ok makes sense.


                                  bloodstone makes you tanky, allows you to snowball harder because you'll probably never run out of mana and its good on a hero like sky that can make solo kills easy due to his pick off potential