General Discussion

General DiscussionPhoenix tips

Phoenix tips in General Discussion

    How to build him ? Any good Phoenix players to analyze ? I really like his teamfight presence, but I can't dominate with this hero & farming as him is really hard. I know that Shiva, Radiance, Refresher are great on him, but it's sooo hard to farm them. Also he doesn't feel super strong till lvl 11 (lvl 1 ulti is weak).

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      Most people go mek with him and then just constantly fight / push. I like to get a gem with him early (and wards if needed) to make it easier to take fights. Your other items will mostly depend on what you are up against but Shivas, Veil, Heart are almost always good pickups. Drop the radiance, it's not worth it. Sometimes you need BKB if they pick Silencer and stuff.

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          Something that hasnt been mentioned here is Pipe, is gives you a huge chunk of reliable regen (+12), and is a great supplement to/alternative to Mek

          bum farto

            He is a hard pick these days due to the popularity of Skybird, Void and Silencer. Mekanism is definitely core on the hero unless someone else is doing it, in which case urn (or both). How I play him is ganking at level 6 on the dot because a level 1 ult sucks in a team fight but if you're using it against 1-2 in a lane you can TP to your safe lane and dive under tower with your team, taking aggro till the last minute when you drop your ult (the tower will still attack your egg)

            Veil, Shivas, and Halberd are all good buys and radiance has a good effect but will be rough to get. I sadly lost my last game as phoenix when I was well on my way to a 16-17 minute radiance but it all fell apart so I would not recommend going it.


              You don't really farm as Phoenix..
              You just go solo hardlane, and make their carry hard to farm.

              If you run a dual lane, you can pretty much kill any hero without escape ability with just lv2 fire spirit.

              Once you reach lv6, go fight as much as you can whenever ult is on cool down.
              You basically dive in, throw fire spirit on everyone you see, then press R. If you got good teammate, you are creating space for your teammate. If enemy choose to kill you, your teammate will be able to auto attacking/cast spell.
              If they don't have hard disable to stop you, Phoenix is a extremely strong magical damage dealer.

              Also, Phoenix is hard to die even with lv1 ult if you cast it properly, 4s -140 attack speed is really dominating at early game..

              Just don't forget it's a team game, you are not supposed to kill everyone on your own.

              You can get green boot, great for laning and roaming. Shiva sync well with your ult, Veil is really good, too.
              Never get radiance, it's stupid.


                Radiance works because auras persist while in the egg form. The reasoning behind getting it is logical, as it's one of the few ways you can increase your damage when using Supernova, it's just that you're better off getting Shiva's instead, and by the time you get Radiance it's burn damage will not be as effective.


                  If aura persist why not get something that slow attack speed so you survive better or something.
                  Better than useless radiance -.-.


                    I agree with everyone else. Cheap Early game items, crush the early game, lane aggressively

                    Use your orbs to farm netrual camps after lvl 4 when not actively doing anything. I personally prefer stats over lazer if im solo or have team with no set up.

                    Radiance ONLY if you are carry light on your team and are crushing the early game. Halberd is VERY VERY solid on Phoenix most the shiva.


                      pick hero win 70% of games or riot. end of story


                        Im actually really really fond of him as a Veil carrier after he gets his mek\pipe it really amps up his damage quite a bit and gives him some nice armor and regen


                          I play phoenix as a mid ganking hero that crushes the early game and destroys the mid game.

                          I occasionally ask to do a solo hard lane when ever the team needs a solo.

                          Things you are:
                          +Team Fight hero
                          +Solo Hard lane hero
                          +Extreme Tank early game
                          +Decent escape that doubles as a nuke

                          Things you aren't:
                          -The sucidie Iniator
                          -The ward Bitch
                          -A hard support.

                          Now excuse me, I'm gonna play a phoenix match.

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                              just play with patience yo, know your mana limits early game, save your dive to escape unless you're sure you can kill (enemy 1-2 hits). know your matchups =P

                              watch Fox, he's the number 1 phoenix in doto