General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on OD

Opinions on OD in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    tl;dr version: OD good hero?

    As part of my quest to becoming a decent player, I am trying out different heroes. It seems like if the enemy team has not too many int heroes, then I can pick od, go mid, get a ~6 minute midas, and kinda snowball once I get force->sheep. Other than a few awful misclicks in my last match for skill points (4,5,9), it seems od's skill build can be fairly static and not really reactive to the other team's picks. Is this likely to happen at higher mmr (say 3.2-3.5k), or do people actually not just forget about you until its far too late?


      yes od good hero

      me + 4 monkeys

        Thats the problem with od imo. All he can do is dominate the lane and farm. He can't really contribute to the other lanes if they are being crushed hard.

        game is bad

          nerfed to shit


            Invoker fanboys incoming to moan about how OP OD is, because he "crushes" their favourite hero in 1v1 matchup.


              Have asked almost similar question last month.
              I got a lot of reply.

              Quick maffs

                Awful hero needs a lot of buffs

                Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                  Just make sure the enemy doesnt have pugna

                  Dan Backslide

                    OD sort of falls into a quote I heard about Viper.

                    "He wins lanes not games." You put OD in mid and unless it is a razor or sniper you will win that game almost every time. How ever if OD doesn't take advantage of his lead early and start snowballing he falls of quite easy. How ever a farmed OD wrecks in the mid game harder than most hard carries.


                      ^ok ty for the tips


                        Summoning Smaug

                        Dire Wolf

                          I don't disagree with the lane comments but I think his real problem is bkb completely shuts him down. You can't imprison to escape, can't nuke, can't do much of anything. You can be dominating a game 10-2-5 or something, then the enemy str carries all get bkbs at ~30 mins and you begin to lose every single fight after that if they focus you. OD kind of needs to snowball.

                          Ples Mercy

                            afk mid almost never works, once he gets farm though he is prolly one of the strongest mid game heroes.

                            in order to play OD mid and be successful you need ur sidelanes not to feed like fucking shit

                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                              Maybe only so dominant in the trash bracket then, because people often buy bkb's, but its too late

                              Quick maffs

                                Blunt i dont think that its the case man ..... like sidelanes needs to feed A LOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT so your farm gets to be useless, i have won games where my team was losing 1-14 at 15 minutes.

                                but when sidelanes get so fucked that the enemies heroes start to roam mid ..... well then you are pretty much fucked.

                                Chronic, OD usually buys hex or other kind of utility items ( atos orchid ), plus he buys forcestaff and he has astral to kite the bkb carry, he can deal with bkb just fine.

                                btw i dont really like midas, if you are in the trash bracket like i am try the build i go usually, it works really well in this shitty bracket :P ( forcestaff into atos )

                                I know i am only 3500 so my opinion is shit but i still think OD is really really strong.


                                Funny because str carries suffer a lot against OD even if they have bkb, in the moment that their bkb goes down 2 hits plus your ulti its a secure kill.

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                Quick maffs

                                  Only a forcestaff is usually enough to make OD a good fighter, in my opinion :P


                                    yeah who doesn't love that hammer ay

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Well maybe the od's we fight are not good but every time I face one, we just wait for bkbs and crush him.


                                        Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador
                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                          I usually go midas->treads->force->hex->shivas and sometimes get bkb or refresher if that is good for the game. Once I got a pipe because we were getting rolled by sk and no one else responded to my request for one (i sold it and bought a bkb later cause gotta look out for #1)

                                          Quick maffs

                                            i think force is better than midas but dont listen to me i am awful at this game


                                              He's shit in lategame, and needs to be played mid, because he needs the level advantage in order to do anything, I don't know the proper skillbuild for him but I ussualy max arcane aura and have lvl 1 orb, then I can have orb on autocast since lvl 7 and carry earlygame.


                                                It's good if you are playing with stack and combine with other heroes (free mana points, AOE nuke and something like astral + arrow/hook/torrent)