General Discussion

General Discussionthis guy rages same way as i do when L M AO

this guy rages same way as i do when L M AO in General Discussion

    except the hitting urself


      ROFL. Dont be mad, it's only a game :)


        I have no doubt your rage uncontrollably

        King of Low Prio

          this is quite common actually, skinny virgin nerd thinks he isnt getting laid because he is skinny so he starts juicing bulks up a bit then realizes he was not getting laid because he had the social skills of a rock. Now hes not getting laid, the roids gave him a even smaller dick and hes pissed as fuck.


            WAI YEW HEFF TO BE MAD

            IZ ONLY GAEM

            Quick maffs

              Maybe he is just attention whoring ?

              Because if he is not, he has some serious problems

              Quick maffs

                When i get mad with dota i usually just flame my friend

                because when i get mad he is usually in my game


                  it is the age that is questionable.

                  I remember raging hard in single player when I was 12... not as an adult.

                  Quick maffs

                    I mean this kind of videos get popular fast so maybe he did on purpose to get attention or something

                    the same way moonmeander does for example

                    bum farto

                      The thing with me and those old games is that if you died you were fucked and had to start a lot of them from the beginning. I used to leave my mega drive on pause over night cause there was no save games and my brother turned it off to spite me and as a little 9yo dipshit I beat the living daylights out of my 14yo brother with a suitcase. Losing save points and lives was serious business back then and I don't think my dad laughed so hard cause I am a scrawny bastard and all my brothers were huge :/


                        how can you be so bad and MMX3? I mean, the game is glorious and very pleasent, even if you die, no need to rage that much.
                        At least break something else, not the great SNES console..


                          if i was raging like that by the time i completed mkke9 tower challenge 300 i would have destroyed my entired house


                            @ yoshi

                            he was most likely trying for speed runs. I don't feel like watching it again, but speed runners basically play the game differently.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              He looks like H4nn1 more than H4nn1 looks like himself.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                He looks like H4nn1 more than H4nn1 looks like himself.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  that guy is a joke besides elpres


                                    im not sure if he looks more like h4nn1 more than h4nn1 looks like himself. what do you think sam?


                                      yep thought so, thanks for confirming :)



                                        he just seems bad


                                          this guy is bad @ this game, and breaks his controller cuz he's bad. i don't see anything wrong with this, especially when he is bitch slappin himself.


                                            he isn't "bad" at the game. He is actually really good, but he isn't perfect and that is why he is upset.

                                            He is going for a speed run, aka completely the game as fast as possible using any and all means to achieve said goal except cheat codes. In game glitches are generally acceptable.

                                            He messed up once, so his entire play through was ruined, and he raged.

                                            The dota equivalent would be missing a last hit after getting every single one for 9 minutes, and abandoning because of it.

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              dota equivalent would be missing last hit after 59 minutes of doing so in 1 hour run