General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you hate more?

What do you hate more? in General Discussion

    4 people that will pick carries or that one support that will deny to support because "fuck you"?

    Of course fuck the master of picks but still, rebelious supports arent any better than that

    King of Low Prio

      I hate when losers bitch and moan about

      -only having one support
      -dual lanes
      -team composition when they last pick


        You shouldn't be hating anyone. Hate doesn't bring wins.

        That said, the support who says "fuck you" to the 4 carries often does so because one person trying to babysit 2-3 lanes alone as a support is extremely frustrating and often an excessive in futility. If asked to do too much, that support will just become underleveled and unable to influence the game at all while he keeps rotating trying to help other players. At some point, it is better for the support to just say fuck it and try to get a meka so he can help win a mid game fight.

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          I hate delusional but confident retards and then - mosquitos.

          the realm's delight

            none of this. i've won many 5 carry team games.
            i hate toxic retards


                That doesn't count. Viper wins his lane at least, and Tinker is tinker.


                  gg mid no gank report


                    Yea 1 support usually ends up without anything unless his lane stomps or he does succesfull ganks, gl if you are 1 support without any kills/assists vs an invis team

                    Ples Mercy

                      2min into the game:
                      Carry: (teamchat) OMFG BAD MID NO GANKS GG
                      Support: (teamchat) GG Carry can't farm
                      Solo offlane: (teamchat) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      5min into the game:
                      AFK Jungle: (Allchat) GG team noob
                      Enemy team: oh god shut up

                      End of the game:
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!
                      Mid (teamchat): Well Played!


                        i hate people who give up more than anything, let ppl play what they want tbh


                          3 people (including me) call lanes at the beginning of pick stage
                          last 2 guys pick carries...
                          clinkz did level 1 enemy ancients...
                          I had to solo support offlane weaver vs a trilane

                          Regarding your question, those last pickers who get the wrong role and supports who dont support because fuck you are the same kind of people. They are all cancers who go ranked without wanting to win, they just want to have fun with their precious carries or carry with a support.


                            @Team = 2k smurf trash

                            Lel so true. Afk junglers that dont do shit to help blame their team, others want mid to gank at all cost even tho they could just easily gank mid

                            Yea Im rather a carry player because I think these people are shit players anyway but if Im last to pick Im gonna try to pick properly, if I see someone getting a 5th carry as last pick I immediately mute him - he is trash anyway

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              I hate when people think the game is lost just because of bad picks.

                              King of Low Prio

                                I hate when I am playing drow mid and my offlane is flipping out that I am not ganking his lane -_-

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I don't care what the support says as long as he buys a damn courier and an occasional ward and doesn't feed/afk. Flame to your heart's consent.

                                  Yes sampson, people do not understand mid's role at all. Every scrub offlaner thinks you should gank constantly.


                                    More or less the whiny bitches are the worst when your team does some stupid shit and they seem to give up and the team starts flaming each other and you're the only one trying to win the game


                                      @ Cevin, yeah, you can win even with what seems like a bad pick.


                                        i hate 5 supports

                                        I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                          i hate this. the rest 4 were team. i announce from begin im going mid, because i dont support randoms, and they go feed. after they feed, they just stay afk in fountain calling me retard. broke my pc case, keyboard, pc desk, phone and possibly fisured my foot fingers. i won mid with 5cs/min but still it was my fault for losing. now that i think better, 1 abandon was worth instead of breaking my fucking leg.


                                            I hate it when my team is filled with assholes. Retards I can manage. I spoonfeed them kills and shit...but that random asshole who keeps creating tension in the team even when we are winning is not a pleasure to play with.

                                            I also hate it when nobody in my team wants to go mid and I have already picked. I suck at mid laning already, I don't need to go mid with Sven, Crystal Maiden or other such weird hero to suck harder.


                                              I think I end up the "asshole" some of the times. Sometimes I will be chilled even if they pick retarded heroes but sometimes, if I just lost due to shitty picks/lanning I might call them retards and mute them right away


                                                So, today i said "offlane" and picked doom.
                                                And then a late picker asked me what to pick and i said KOTL/Lich/Lion so you guys can trilane.
                                                After that he picked phoenix.
                                                Sooo.. Since he picked late, i bought my laning items already.
                                                With this item i couldn't jungle at lv 1 ( i don't know how to jungle efficiently anyway )
                                                And he said he is going trilane with phoenix

                                                Before that the mid player ( ember ) also asked the team what to pick.
                                                I said pick mid that counter viper and i said "preferably ranged" so you don't get harassed a lot
                                                Aaaand he picked ember

                                                Not saying i don't judge people from the pick but if you asked me to give a fuck about your pick at least listen.
                                                Don't fucking ignore the suggestion.

                                                It was literally 5 vs 4 all the time since LS went jungle 24/7 365days a year


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                                                  Its depressing when its something like that:
                                                  - what do we need?
                                                  - support
                                                  Picks sniper.

                                                  How fucking stupid you have to be? Its like they pick shit on purpose


                                                    Doesn't really matter.. you can win with 5 carries if your team plays well and helps each other, you can also lose with 2 supports if they just fuck around and do nothing to actually help. I've played games where I was a sky supporting, roaming with rubick or something, killed ganked everyone on their team, and we still lost the game. Our safe was like 1-6-0 and mid 1-9-2. Bad players will be bad, regardless of support/carry

                                                    Pew Pew Pew


                                                      Nice 11lose streak :DDDDD


                                                        lesson learned. if you have high hopes, go carry, mid or offlane. never go support coz u will end up stressful and probably start blaming


                                                          I wish the was an All Pick version of Random Draft. Basically that mode but with all heroes available.


                                                            You know what really grinds my gears?

                                                            Offlane players that die at minute 1 and say gg ff.

                                                            (not the fact that they die but the *gg ff*)

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              good supports can usually win a game by themselves........too bad there are so few of those

                                                              Aragorn Son of Arathorn

                                                                Team members who feeds and talks trash their team players. Even when you're doing great like most of my games(Killing spree, megakill, few times godlike) in the end you can't do shit and carry a whole team.

                                                                29 more losses than wins for this reason. I won't mind the games if it were good games, but not like this.

                                                                Can't really blame the matchmaker because it only bases its matchmaking from numbers of wins, losses, abandons, MMR and such. Though it will be excellent if the game is really balanced.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  'matchmaker because it only bases its matchmaking from numbers of wins, losses, abandons'

                                                                  clearly you have a firm grasp on the matchmaking algorithm......

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I get pretty annoyed when people won't listen to reason regarding lanes. I picked TB instantly, called jungle, others acknowledge it. Then someone picks mirana and naga and lion. Ok good picks, we can off mirana and safe lane or mid naga. Last pick is bane, ok he can mid. Well start the game naga has like everyone on mute or is foreign or some shit and goes offlane, mirana insists on going mid, bane decides naga can't solo off and goes to help so it's either lion safe lane 1v2 with me jungle or me in lane. Lion is freaking out cus he sucks and doesn't know how to not feed and leech xp so I end up trying to lane with no regen items cus I bought all my jungle shit already. *SIGH* stupidest game ever, we probably weren't winning anyway cus my team sucked but mirana off, bane mid, naga/lion safe would've given us a much better shot.