General Discussion

General DiscussionTo Matrice: Thanks for Terrorblade jungle tips

To Matrice: Thanks for Terrorblade jungle tips in General Discussion

    Hey man,

    Really appreciate the videos and tips it's really helped me a ton in the past two weeks in a huge way. I'm definitely not at your TB skill level but it's helping me dig out of the trenches in a huge way.

    If you don't mind, can I ask a few more questions about TB play mid/late game and what your decision making is on a few things?

    I'm only using this guy for solo purposes only in all pick obviously.

    #1. What heros do you not prefer to play against TB with? I seem to have a tough time against BS and invis heros that can gank me easily.

    #2. I hardly ever see you grab a BKB. Do you prefer not to go BKB at all? If you do, what situation would you choose bkb.

    #3. Ratting. I see by your KDA with him in most games you don't rat. Do you ever make a conscious decision to say "I'm ratting this game" Mine had been if my team cannot hold lanes the first 8~10 min in laning phase while I'm jungling, and the feed is strong. I will avoid team fights and just focus on lane swapping/ratting. Is this ever an option or is this a poor decision for me?

    #4. Why do you get two SNY? or 3 yashas? I see some odd builds from you, so I'm curious as to why that is there. I like the 2x Butterfly for obvious reasons due to evasion stack and the rest but just curious as to why you do those items in multiple qty.

    #5 Do you ever lane with TB or go mid with him?

    Anyhow thanks again this has been working like a charm so just wanted to fine tune stuff after jungle a bit :)

    Thanks ,


      It was sooo good. Terrorblade is so fun!

      It's almost a guarantee win if you have a support in your lane.

      I got better with Tb after watching Zenoth's replays.

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        Well both Zenoth and Matrice are godlike skilled player so even though you copy their build the result will be different somehow..
        It's not the build but the gameplay..

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        Treefolk Legend

          I´d like to thank him too, I´ve being training with his build and so far so good, awesome hero.


            It's the game play that I copied not the build. It just came along as I progressed.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              "Terrorblade is so fun!" wow okay.



                Ples Mercy

                  #1. Everything that has high AOE nuke shit ( especially LC).

                  #2. He builds dmg items over HP items to rat more effective. He doesn't usually build BKB because he doesn't really want to fight as a splitpusher.

                  #3. If you would pay attention to his KDA and HD, you would notice he rats a lot. Reason for some matches for him to have a couple of kills is that he ratted so much that he simply outfarmed everyone and could rek them at the end of the game, also if there is a fight going on where he can see that he will have a huge impact, he will TP in with BoT and help out.

                  #4. Random items @ the end of the game. I do the same sometimes.

                  #5 Yes he does lane with TB, though it is not recommended at all and very rare. TB is a very shit laner and usually a food delivery. He has no escape mekanism, has a very poor HP pool and does not have any stuns or nuke whatsoever. If you want to feed you can go solo mid.


                    tb is fun???
                    different strokes for different folks I guess

                    Treefolk Legend

                      Its more fun than naga and pl imo, sunder is such a trolling skill

                      Dire Wolf

                        I think it's fun. I safe laned tb though not jungle cus my guess is people would rage on me if I tried jungle, kind of scared. First game went amazing, support was good and we killed their offlane, rolled to easy win. Second game they ganked safe lane constantly so I started like 0-5 but kept farming, team pulled together while I ratted every tower. My highest tower dmg ever. Even if TB is dying it's still easy to get farm, I die while they're all pushing safe lane T1 I just tp to the T2 and clear out the jungle til they leave.

                        Last game was quite bad. My supports sucked, somehow ended up with tinker AND bloodseeker offlane against us which is just impossible to do anything against with march spam and bs speed. And then my team basically gave up and wouldn't stop bitching at each other even though score was only like 15-19 at the time. I told them chill, I can rat this whole game if we just play defensive but they still got caught out and then abandoned.


                        In second game buddy Snake was very insistent that I go bkb and I can't say he was wrong vs OD, lina and cm. OD one shot me multiple times with a astral ult combo before I could sunder him. But I also didn't give a rat's ass about fighting, basically tried to run from every fight, and I think my tower dmg showed that so I don't know. Bkb would've been very useful but we won without it so I can't say whether it's the right pickup or not.

                        I don't really understand why laning him is a no no. With a good support to protect you from getting dived you have massive dmg output with meta and an illusion. Any support with their own good disable should lead to kills on the offlane. You do have to watch for ganks but that's same with any safe lane carry.


                          #1. hero that insta kill illusion: lion/ench for the two most annoying

                          #2. tb isn't a bkb hero, for the same reason pl and naga are not, even if he is disabled, his illusion still does the job (120 steroid with conjure image!!!)

                          #3. I join every single fight i know i we can win, otherwise i try to split people before fighting, we may write that i often rat for t1-t2 tower, it rarelly happened for t3.

                          #4. build with multiple time same item that are not butter/skady are bought at fountain at the very end.

                          #5 he is a pathetic middle, even before his nerf to reflection, so no. I prefer wooding, as i actually get slightly more farm than lanning, and offer some more xp to team (much less xp thought, but it's not a problem for tb) but yeah, when there's chen/ench or even doom (or fury wood), i'd take the lane.


                            I think TB is one of the most boring heroes :|



                              Thanks again. Very insightful info on this. Wondered on # 4 you were just trolling then! :D #5 I had been forced mid and hated it. Somehow I got two games out of all these where no one wanted mid. Very rare. So I had to step up I guess. I prefer wooding as you put it as well.

                              One more question. I have tough time with Bloodseeker early game due to him having vision on you early game jungling and get ganked once or twice while out in wood. Afterwards no problem. Also Riki smoke then backstab ganks while ratting mid/late game. This riki game forced my hand to BKB due to smoke being ignored so I could sunder him was the only choice I could see. Do you have problems with these two heros?


                              Dire Wolf

                                He's fun dude you're constantly living on the edge cus while you are a beast 1v1 any team with lockdown that gangs up on you when you push is scary. It's about knowing when to run during the split push.

                                Anyway jungled two games. First one was abysmal. Our team didn't really pick lanes right, somehow our offlane got the courier killed 1 min in so mid couldn't bottle then mid fed, offlane fed, every lane fed lol. I was in jungle maybe 8 mins before all t1s were gone.

                                Second game was close. Bloodseeker sucks. So I left to try and push more. Thier pl despite havnig free farm bottom didn't farm well thankfully. Easy to out push him. Then he dc'd at the end and everyone bitched about how they'd have won even though we were up two rax to one. New tower dmg record. Fun stuff.


                                Jungling him is kind of risky cus of all the invoker, bs, slark bullshit pickers. They tend to persue kills aggressively early and I can't split push well before getting s&y and tp boots which is like ~20 or 25 mins in. After that it's easy to counter them but if your team is down like 25-10 it's not gonna happen, tb is too easy to kill. I feel as far as pushers lycan and np come online a little sooner though I like tb playstyle a lot. Gonna keep trying until I go on a big losing streak.

                                What should your item be if you have butterfly and skadi? Another skadi? I like being beefy and doing dmg. I'd prob go another butterfly vs right clickers, what about a manta or ac? Ac would wreck some towers.



                                  Look at Matrice's TB games he usually picks another butterfly it looks like. Gives dmg/increased attack speed/evasion stack. Been working for me so far. Agreed BS is tough early man.

                                  Treefolk Legend

                                    Versus Bloodseeker is very annoying but you can manage once you get the 3 wb, you just have to be extra careful not to go below 50% life, micro the illusion and all that jazz, that way, the window that bloodseeker can see you is really low. Dont forget to check the lanes and the minimap at all times too, that pesky bounty hunter can get you too if you forget him.



                                      Yeah did that last game i played TB tonight went 21-7 and still got called a noob. Man the feed when people go jungle in the lanes early game is stupid. I mean, we were like 2-20 15 min in......... jeez some games I just can't carry no matter what:


                                      EDIT: *Against bloodseeker*

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I find bloodseeker tough all game. If your tp is down and he silences you you're done. You have to know where he is before tp'ing into a lane with boots of travel. Also he tends to always win mid somehow and that just hurts games in general.

                                        @gust, yeah that sucks. Problem is they picked a really strong early fight lineup and your team didn't have anything for that. You have lion to disable but he'll get blown up. Meepo is gonna get raped vs them and really needs jungle to out level everyone. Meepo + tb on same team is not good. You needed like a tide or some big wombo combo ult to force them to bkb or someone to tank the dmg like naix, dk. Enigma would've wrecked them with hp removal.

                                        Any time I see centuar or blood on the opposing team I cringe cus people just cannot handle them. Bristle is a toss up. If it's bs I pray that I'm mid viper or something and people listen to missing calls lol. Pretty much only way to keep him in check, win mid and then everyone back to towers when he tries to gank. He'll be way behind in farm.

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