General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Dear Tinker . . .

My Dear Tinker . . . in General Discussion
PMA player

    I remember the time, where tinker was only picked maybe 12% of the time, before he was even cool, which would be around dota 1 era, now to this present day, tinker is getting picked a lot, not like 1 in every 10 games but a lot in almost every rank solo games. And every time some one picks him, they are either clue less, or just want "learn" the hero, I won't hate but why search a rank game when you can search a regular game?

    That aside, I see tinker is trending a lot now, just like the invoker every game phase. Now I'm freaking sad, what if they nerf tinker. I have nightmares every night where I would see a tinker nerf in the next patch, and I just keep freaking out man. To be honest, before the aghs update, I've been hoping for a buff to tinker, after aghs came out I was really happy to see my hero get an update, because if you check his changes, his last one was like 6.74? Can't remember, it was for laser's miss from 2 seconds to 3. Anyways, I just wish you guys can stop picking tinker now.
    Like, this hero is mine and no one can use him besides me >=(


      I know that feel >.>

      I believe that it's caused mostly because of Xcalibur's plays on youtube and rise of popularity in competetive games.

      King of Low Prio

        they need to just nerf his base agility by 1 so everyone flips out about a nerf and moves on

        Hex Sigma

          cool story bro

          Red Potato

            So true.
            I don't understand why people pick him so much. Got a friend who started 1-2weeks ago, playing Tinker only. So i stopped playing with him.
            Btw. i play almost mid only. For me Tinker in enemy team = easy win.

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              The thing I hate about tinker is that if he's on your team he drains SO much farm from the map, therefore, if the tinker player isn't good enough it's almost a guaranteed loss. Most of my recent solo queue games were against tinkers so I just shut him down = game won.

              I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                +1 guiri. at under 3k, all tinkers only know to use 2 waves of march then tp back to base and repeat. i even see tinker using 2 waves of goblins for 3-4 creeps.
                same with kotl. game by game, all they do is spam illuminate on creeps, draining my farm and pushing lane.

                Quick maffs

                  The hero is not even OP and because of 3 or 4 faggots they are going to nerf him


                  Please based icefrog do not nerf him, and if you do need to nerf him because of bitches bitching nerf his stats or something like that.


                    Anyways, I just wish you guys can stop picking tinker now.
                    Like, this hero is mine and no one can use him besides me >=(

                    thats so unrealistic

                    Dire Wolf

                      What do you guys think about offlane tinker in a duo lane? I ran up against this and he would spam march under our tower so I couldn't farm well (too much dmg) and every time we tried to setup a kill he'd march and they run away (can't chase cus too much dmg). It sucked.

                      Red Potato

                        Well then he knew how to play tinker, but usually u just need a gang from a qop, or someone else with high mobility, then he cant do anything. Or just someone like sniper with a wide range, against melee's tinker always works good.

                        So playing tinker solo offlane is not recommended. You could easy be outplayed and get no farm at all.

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                          people pick tinker so much because he can do his own thing and then win the game

                          Red Potato

                            Its very rare, to see a tinker who really solo the game. Most of them just fu up their farm and lose the game.


                              Most Tinkers do their own thing and lose their team the game by themselves.

                              I liked it back then when Tinker was a rare sight and an actual challenge to play against. Now I always hope he's in the enemy team.

                              Dire Wolf

                                It was actually a tinker and bs offlane. Bs we shutdown but someone was always low hp and he'd run while tinker spams march. Couldn't ever catch them and our mid didn't gank as much as he should've. I didn't know if it was legit or a situationally bad lane for us. I think the latter. Plus tinker rapes tb (low hp, that miss with laser).


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                                  People picking dire side tinker. make me cringe.


                                    u can stack the hard camp + medium camp for dire tinker with just normal attacks after eating a tree for radiant u need to use march at 51 and the timings super tight


                                      on 53..

                                      puni puni butt UWU

                                        BLACK KING BAR


                                          u need time for the march to travel.
                                          it takes 2 sec for the march to hit the big camp and another 2 more sec for it to hit the medium camp
                                          1:23 if u dont believe.


                                            It is kind of ridiculous that rearm doesn't have a cool down. Are there any other active ultis that can be spammed?


                                              6.82 patch notes
                                              -Rearm cast time 3/2/1 -> 6/4.5/3
                                              -March now needs 2.5 seconds channel.
                                              -Laser is now magical damage.
                                              -Missile mana cost increased by 50 on all levels.


                                                - Bolt Lightning
                                                - Culling Blade
                                                - Fire Remnant
                                                - Invoke
                                                - Pulse Nova
                                                - True Form
                                                - Life Drain
                                                - Psionic Trap
                                                - Chakram

                                                Yes... There are other spammable active ultis


                                                  Ok I wasn't exactly clear what I meant - all the others you mentioned have a mana cost or are limited in other ways (i.e. culling blade)

                                                  I think a 10 second cooldown on Rearm or doubling the cast time would be a big improvement.


                                                    why does a guy in normal bracket complain about tinker being overpowered LOL this is hilarious

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Don't be a dick. You don't need to be a pro to have a valid opinion.

                                                      Besides, no one was complaining - just doing what you're supposed to do on forums - discuss things.


                                                        pick nyx -> dead tinker :laugh:


                                                          ? just one look at ur suggestions and anyone can tell its dumb as fuck

                                                          and well u dont have to be pro but who cares about the opinion of someone who can barely grasp the game.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Uh rearm does is limited, it costs a fuck ton of mana. That's why you tp to a lane, rearm, and have to tp back to base cus you can't spam it without regenerating first.


                                                              anyone who goes back to base after marching 1 wave of creeps is retarded and can't play tinker.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                lol andro, i just found out ( thanks dotabuff plus ) that i played once against you a long fucking time ago


                                                                Red Potato

                                                                  Just had a tinker in enemy team again. xD
                                                                  Won the game in 25min.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    You should play against my tinker :P

                                                                    You would win even faster




                                                                      be grateful you had that pudge on your team

                                                                      Red Potato

                                                                        Yep xD
                                                                        He was pretty good x)

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Well I don't know how to play tinker and I never play him, but the idea is tele in, march, at some point rearm and march and go oom, tp back to base to get mana. You can just push a whole wave with ~12 marches using rearm the whole time cus you'll go oom.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            if its a full creep wave with full health 2 is fine

                                                                            but the important is not that, the important thing to do is to kill the creep wave that is coming.


                                                                              ^This is the truth

                                                                              Very often, I see people get a HoD on a carry and control a creep and hide it somewhere in the trees near the enemy base so tinker can tp and kill the creepwave just after it spawns every 30 seconds

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                One of my biggest mistake when i started to play tinker was trying to get t2 by pushing the creepwaves

                                                                                The truth is that you might do some damage on the tower, but taking it entirely is really fucking hard without a tower hitting rat like NP or lycan

                                                                                Nowadays i splitpush a bit but i just focus on farming more than actually taking towers


                                                                                  Tinker is a nuker, he has almost no pDPS, his goal is to get huge and then completely explode anyone without magic immunity.

                                                                                  Red Potato

                                                                                    Just had a game with a tinker in my team.
                                                                                    And we won xD
                                                                                    Don't know that this dude did in TDB match for solo rating , but he farmed pretty well. And sometimes even ganked xO



                                                                                      Icefrog will most likely nerf his weaknesses, like his health gain, agility, base dmg, or movespeed. While they sound like they would make no difference at all the amount of ganks I avoid where they cancel my tp, or doom me and i just runaway with bots +305 base speed.

                                                                                      amigo pool

                                                                                        The only change will be the Rearm/Dagger bug fix

                                                                                        I know the hero is annonying, but he's not even close to what we can call "OP hero"


                                                                                          Tinker not OP enough to stop your teammates from stealing Rapier from your Ursa, denying aegis and giving enemy team the cheese, trolling in general, etc :(


                                                                                            ez tinker ez win, no need dagon/hex :D