General Discussion

General Discussionretard player in a game what to do

retard player in a game what to do in General Discussion

    So I just played with a player who trashtalk his allies and enemy all the time. He dives at enemies by himself and cost the game. Speaking all the language he knows. What to do with this kind of player? Should I just embrace it? Its so F waste.


      Take notails advice. If game is going full retard, you have to embrace it. If you go only half retard, you are fucked, you must go full retard.


        Just mute and move on. Don't waste energy into something that isn't worth it.


          you too 3k-2k bracket ?


            Im playing in 4k

            Can you enlighten me and give me aome advices how to go full retard with retard

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Just do stupid things. Make them even more mad. Accept your loss and deal with it.


                Keeper of the light: Phase boots + Crystalis + Shadowblade.

                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                  I love this guy!

                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                    Learned from da best


                      alright thanks guys! I guess I have to accept then. If only report is working effectively trolls and retard will be gone


                        Oh and Satanic too, you need that shit. But if the game going shitty go for MoM.

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          His proper name is actually KotL of the Light


                            Theres nothing you can really do, you can't crawl out of that hole, it's like when you think you've almost reached the top of the hole they'll pull you back down. Pick a hard carry like sven or a mid like shadowfiend who can dominate early and lategame.


                              Kotl + blink, recall your retard team mate onto a cliff and kill the courier.


                                full retard guide :
                                carry with support
                                support with carry

                                Miku Plays

                                  thank you very much El.Psy.Congroo

                                  i dont know how to go full retard

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    If your team goes full retard you have to go with it. It's hard to go against it and if you go half retard you are fucking done. If Rubick wants to go mid then you buy orb of venom on invoker.

                                    Basicly, buy idiotic items, go in like a monkey with ur team. Act as if u're playing techies. Ez win


                                      Played with jugg says he go mid but we have SF. He was outfarmed by qop but he played well on ganking. In the long run didnt go so well. We were frustrated that time. Sigh

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        what did you play?


                                          But sometimes when I go full retard my other team mates flames me so its better to try 4v5

                                          Yet it is indeed heartbreaking trying to win but lose..


                                            heartbreaking omg..
                                            it's just a game, random pub game, with random people

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              I played offlane LD we played normal 4v5 but our support gave up. He stops buying wards so yeah at the end we carries gave a good fight yet lose. It is so annoying to waste time on a bad game. The feels that you want to quit to save time but no coz you qill het abandon. . If report only works effectively..


                                                RIP in peace, KoTL of The Light.

                                                I'm such amaze
                                                Much fun
                                                Everyone does doge


                                                  I said heartbreaking coz you are wasting time. I just want to have a good game. Yet a badazz spoils it and act retard.. time is precious for me..


                                                    I usually try to par him off and when it doesnt work I just leave the game.

                                                    OFC im joking when I'm playing with a retard on opposite side I usualy try my best on my Tinker to fuck him up everytime I see him on any lane and make him mad and rage quit. If its a person on your side you're fucked just leave the game.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      go dual dagon if team goes retard and u play LD. ez win


                                                        spam "dont give up" :P


                                                          Press Alt+F4 to remove the retard.


                                                            Tell them to kill themselves :facepalm:
                                                            parasite are meant to be exterminated anyway


                                                              you can start trashtalk your enemies to calm down your team . like
                                                              "WE WILL WIN u fAGGOTS ; TRYhArD this IS PUb, wE ARE PLAYING WITH NO MOUSE 2ez4rtz "

                                                              and then lose.