General Discussion

General Discussionthe forgotten meta : 4 support 1 carry

the forgotten meta : 4 support 1 carry in General Discussion

    There was an usher era where line ups where like this
    Position 1 : Sven/Naix/Luna/Void
    Postion 2 : Caster Magnus
    Position 3 : BH
    Position 4 : DS/wisp
    Position 5 : Sky/Lich/Lion

    or anything similar to that

    This was of the famous meta during the days of Dota1 before icefrog screwed it all by his updates
    Do you guys see this meta have chance to show up again on pro scene?
    Do you guys have tried this meta? ( show your dotabuff match)

    bum farto

      Hardly any of this makes sense....

      This is an age far gone and teams have developed way past this, what you described above might be decent in a pub game but teams are practicing new strategies all the time and testing things which they then maintain till such a time as it becomes viable.

      What a lot of people don't realize (who are newish to Dota2) is that a lot of this crap was very common in Dota1

      Dire Wolf

        The problem with old 4 protect 1 is usually those carries have no mobility or need too much farm. Sven and naix can fight early but get kited so easily. They're almost forced into building blinks which is not ideal for them since they need dmg late. Void needs farm or he can fight early if team is built around his ult. Luna is kind of in between, short range so you can kite her, no escapes, needs farm though her ult is amazing early.

        Just look at the TI finals matches and you'll see all of the winning team picks favor lockdown and/or mobility and guys who can fight early without a ton of farm like weaver, ember spirit, brew. Brew with his ult needs like zero right click items. Weaver with germinate and sukucki spam does a ton of dmg early and is maybe the most mobile carry. Ember, mobile carry. All the supports are like es and ss, two of the biggest lock down supports out there.

        Another reason might be it's basically not as economical. If you have three lanes you might as well have three heroes getting farm in those lanes. Like this is a bad comparison but I fought in a match yesterday a skywrath + visage lane as cm + void. They killed us a lot lol. But what did they do with all that money late game? Not much. Those guys can't carry late, one void ult and they still die even with items.

        4 protect 1 still works fine in pubs though, where one well protected carry can do 700 gpm. It just doesn't happen often since people like to pick carries.

        Ples Mercy

          No, it won't return, why?


          end of story.


            Also at that time, you could build heroes such as medusa, cause able to farm all 3 lanes, but now, with halberd, eb and so on, that just mean a full farmed (even ranged) carry can only hit during bkb.

            Most of hard carry are mele, so basically, they cann't even hit for a full bkb time...
            ghost scepter should cost much more, so do forcestaff and halberd for such a meta to come back

            edit: not even mentionning the split push that is now handle by a lot of team, that would make a single carry useless, unless he can hold at least 2 lane alone (pl or mb tb/naga)

            Este comentário foi editado

              Why would u want it to resurface? its boring and slow
              the meta would get obliterated by the current deathball meta anyway


                Yes, this meta is old.

                But look at what Newbee and VG have done at TI4.
                I'm not sure, but I think these classic turtle lineups, that most teams often forget to play, would be great against their strategy.
                Just to make sure they don't get that early advantage over you.

                Dire Wolf

                  Interesting theory. A kotl + pl + tinker core maybe could throw back those push/deathball lineups? I mean no one is diving towers under double march, kotl's illuminated nuking and pl spam.