General Discussion

General Discussion2 chinese team in final, weeeeey

2 chinese team in final, weeeeey in General Discussion

    i will be so hyped omfg yes !!
    they just lost half of the viewers by having 2 chineseteams in final weeeeeeeeey
    most boring ti by far

    edit; im not complaining about boring picks or that it will super long farm game wtf, im just sad over that its 2 chinese teams

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      90 min games incoming


        Not watching the finals.


          c9, DK and EG eliminated in one day.


          5 man china death push vs 5 man china death push. lame.

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            lol stupid western nerdy fanboys. a year ago "OH CHINESE FUCKING BORING FARMFEST SHIT"


            fuck off. you choose to pick greedy you will pay the price of it.


              actually VG is the team with the shortest average match duration in the TI, so its not a turtling game

              anyways ez rares today


                ^^ i have some cockroaches in my toilet want them?

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                    go play some rus low priority random draft better


                      I am glad all the western elitists can shut the fuck up now though alliance was my favourite team

                      meanwhile unskilled retards will hate on the current meta every year regardless of how much it changes, complain about long games, then complain about short games, then rat then deathball... most viewers are seriously retards

                      eg's drafts were so greedy, ta pick into razor is objectively horrible and "catch-up-midases" all around LOL

                      seriously these teams proved themselves, respect the fucking winners you don't have to hate them because they beat your favourite teams

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                        Better a fast puch and a clean win than splitpushing for 60mins.

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                          I think we lost the most viewers when Na'vi got eliminiated. The C9 v Na'vi game had like 500k viewers in client. I don't think another game broke 300k.


                            i hated the setup honestly


                              It is basically a mirror match.

                              Ryu vs Ryu grand final.

                              EG and c9 deserved to lose with terrible drafts and strats. DK under-performed but didn't do anything completely stupid.

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                                well put concede

                                flaming teams for "abusing meta" is like flaming fighting game champions for "picking same characters" or chessmasters for "using strong openings"

                                I mean literally the team who drafts and plays better wins

                                ICE SKULL

                                  i predicted vg in hte finals

                                  Quick maffs

                                    I love how everyone is mad with the finals hehehehehe

                                    I can finally watch a Grand Finals unbiased, now i dont really care about who wins


                                      VG BEST TEAM I KNEW THEY COULD DO IT

                                      kanye went to uni

                                        How is deathpush boring? Isn't that the funnest to watch for a spectator?

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Are you new to this comunity ? the only fun meta is the meta that your favorite teams plays

                                          In other words deathpush is boring splitpush is boring 4 protect 1 is boring

                                          everything is boring

                                          unless your favorite team wins

                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                          kanye went to uni

                                            Fuck I'm a C9 fan, does this mean I have to like watching gold efficiency :///

                                            Quick maffs

                                              No, if you are a c9 fan like me you would like to see your favorite team not to do a fucking lvl 1 rosh in their most important game


                                              Quick maffs

                                                Man vg is such a fucking agresive team, EG was just too greedy

                                                S-God ✔

                                                  Nobody is saying that EG did not deserve to lose after that draft BUT chinese team vs chinese team is boring

                                                  S-God ✔

                                                    and anyone who says 'we' with a pro team needs to fucking get out of the basement and get their own accomplishments in life

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Ok sampson lets see, i am pretty sure that this finals will be awesome.

                                                      Btw, no one said " we " with a pro team in this thread

                                                      S-God ✔

                                                        people edit their post smh

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          If you cant understand that by your team i meant your favorite team you have issues

                                                          Even more considering that i reacted way better to c9 losing than people who is bitching about 2 chinese teams in the finals ( in other words, mad eg fanboys )

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            Any day Arteezy loses it's a good day. Shame for the rest of EG though (except mason, fuck that guy too).

                                                            I'm pretty sure he has something to do with the Midas Antimages in my games.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              I am sad for universe, that guy deserved to win

                                                              S-God ✔

                                                                how exactly am I mad that EG lost? they drafted horrible and deserve to lose, I just dont like watching DP veno and SS hit towers all game. Nobody is arguing that the best teams got to the grand finals BUT from a viewer perspective it is boring. Kinda like watching golf

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  I dont really mean you, i am talking about a lot of people in this forum who are reacting in a really agresive way after EG lost.

                                                                  I dont get all this shit about getting THAT sad when a team loses, except when you bet real money in it.

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                                    Well, judging by some of Benao's posts, people are losing their Arcanas. People like their shiny (even if virtual) stuff.


                                                                      Sampson: Uh, the game is about destroying buildings. If you find that boring you're playing the wrong game.

                                                                      S-God ✔

                                                                        'Nobody is arguing that the best teams got to the grand finals BUT from a viewer perspective it is boring. Kinda like watching golf'

                                                                        do you see the crowd cheering when the support stacks a camp?

                                                                        do you see the crowd cheering when mid controls the lane equilibrium?

                                                                        I could say more but you should get the point


                                                                          "I just dont like watching DP veno and SS hit towers all game" Those games are pretty short, you won't see much stacking.

                                                                          S-God ✔

                                                                            short /= entertaining
                                                                            long /= boring


                                                                              why does the crowd not cheer? cos many players there are dumbfucks celebrating kills like theyre the only fucking thing in the game.
                                                                              same thing on esl one where they didnt cheer for actually good stuff

                                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                                But that's not what either NB nor VG do, they don't farm all game, I thought that was already settled....

                                                                                S-God ✔

                                                                                  please take your autistic attitude elsewhere. Most people understand that you are suppose to kill the throne BUT it is much more entertaining to see spells flying all over the place and people dying

                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                  S-God ✔


                                                                                    where did I state that they farm all game?

                                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                                      Never mind, I misread.

                                                                                      But seriously? You find deathpush boring?


                                                                                        I guess last year Chinese took the criticism from the fans to the heart and finally left their traditional playstyle
                                                                                        S-God > B-God this year :facepalm:


                                                                                          I hope it will be a farm fest just to piss of most of the community. :D I love farm fests.

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!