General Discussion

General DiscussionNa'Vi are aweful in drafting.

Na'Vi are aweful in drafting. in General Discussion

    Looks like they always try to outplay their opponents but put themself in bad spots with retard picks. It's almost like they played so much some heroes they can't know anymore which hero is good and bad in some situations or they think they can do some funzy play like in pubs. I predicted almost 75% of their loss after seing their picks this TI.

    I know most of people will rage for this post but seriously learn to pick.

    PS/ Original title was Na'vi are noobs at drafting.

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      this entire tournament turned every teams drafting upside down.

      No one is going to rage. Puppey's drafting has been weak recently.

      You aren't saying anything new.


        I desagree that every teams draft bad, my point is na'vi draft very badly, I didn't watched every team but na'vi is definitely one the weakest in terms of drafting.


          As Concede already told you:
          You aren't saying anything new.

          Miku Plays

            get over it, Na'vi lost


              You mean I didn't say something more new than what you said ?

              Like I said I knew some people will rage for these posts.

              PS/ Didn't post on dotabuff since a lot of times so I wanted to say it when i'm on it.

              Este comentário foi editado
              S-God ✔

                this eXo kid is a little slow


                  Already three ragers.


                    How are we raging ROFL. Na'Vi has been drafting like shit for two months, 6.80 made them weak and with 6.81 they got even weaker, and you realize just now haha.


                      I say it just now, that's what forums are made for. Did you made a thread urself about it before ?

                      I was still hoping that they would draft more seriously at ti especially in their last games.

                      You are fully raging, when earth spirit was OP did you cried every time someone argued to say he was op ?

                      Why you mad ?

                      Este comentário foi editado
                      S-God ✔

                        this is what happens when 2k players try and discuss dota


                          0% wr player talking lmfao.

                          1) Be noob.

                          2) Make a smurf.

                          3) Lose against new players.

                          S-God ✔

                            I dont smurf I just made a account to post on so I just messed around.(I hoped the 1v1 would count but seems like it doesnt). How does it feel that you are below the STARTING point of dota?


                              ^ Making friends everywhere i see Such popular much wow

                              S-God ✔


                                400 gpm on tinker on a 3k smurf

                                All the forum regs know who I am too bad ur just another 'MM HOLDING ME BACK I NEED TO SMURF'


                                  What's the starting point of dota ? I beat you on 1v1 every day.

                                  You made a new account just to post ? You are the one who lose games with a smurf that's being below the starting point (losing against new players while being a veteran), my smurf is 4k5 + and i'm too lazy to boost it as people are too toxic at this bracket.

                                  0% wr still raging.

                                  PS/ Boush got 400 gpm while his team lost 60-30. U get less gpm when ur team gets crushed you know ?

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                           < --- my main :) go check Top 200 in Sea server whilsts your busy being butthurt lol Atleast i can back my talk up all we see from u is ur 0% winrate :P


                                      im done made my point made u look silly <3 Bye bye haha

                                      S-God ✔

                                        why is your main 2k??

                                        S-God ✔

                                          Boush plz add Sampson ✔

                                          let me see your stats :)

                                          S-God ✔

                                            odd no invite, are you scrabbling to get your on your friends account?


                                              Your main is 0%wr and 1100 mmr.

                                              This account is 3k as I troll most of games on it and use heroes i'm not good on it. When I go over 70% wr with heroes I usually stop using them.

                                              S-God ✔

                                                you are right you are normal bracket player because you 'troll' you should be at least 6k if you try


                                                S-God ✔


                                                  I am still waiting, you replied to my posts in under 2mins yet you seem to go MIA when I call you out on it


                                                    Well look my previous games where i had 800 + mmr this is high bracket if u call it or very higd. Like goush and I said feel free to 1 v 1 if ur not afraid.

                                                    With your main account would be better. Your just a 0% wr talking right now you should jump on the opportunity to play with better players.

                                                    Gonna sleep now, keep raging I let you the time to get some balls for some 1 v 1.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    S-God ✔

                                                      first of all I do not play 1v1s (you can read all of my posts over the last year where I stated this )

                                                      If you want to scrim set up a match and I will play


                                                        You just said a few posts upper that you wished 1 v 1 counted on the statistics for winrate. And now you say that you never play 1 v1.

                                                        Lmfao ur such a duck.

                                                        Just add me and we will go 1 v 1 using "1v1 mode" rules (two death or one tower), fast game likethat you won't cry.

                                                        S-God ✔

                                                          no I said I thought the 1v1 match would update my profile on dotabuff

                                                          man you are slow, I do not play 1v1s ever I just ran into the tower in a 1v1 hoping that it would update dotabuff.

                                                          do all 3k players have a IQ of 12?

                                                          S-God ✔

                                                            I dont play 1v1s I will scrim you if you wish

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Exo sampson is awful ( even more for the time he is playing ) but i am pretty sure you are worst than him

                                                              Jorges Sanz

                                                                Its not really their fault at drafting imo. Its just that their hero pool is shit and thanks to that, their lanes and playstyle are highly predictable.

                                                                Glad to see navi be eliminated. Tired of people saying that they were under-performing coming into TI4 cos they were saving strats... yeah sure saving strats for TI5 that is.

                                                                S-God ✔

                                                                  Dork, dont make me fish out a match of u on lion :P

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Fuck you games where i play support doesnt count

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      or clock

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        or weaver

                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                          On a serious note before the kids bickering acne bubbles burst..

                                                                          Na'Vi from what I saw just seem to be playing in slow motion. Most teams in this tourney seem to feel ganks coming. Na'Vi on the other hand seem to be absolutely oblivious to them.

                                                                          Also if you don't ban Doom you probably lose to Doom.