General Discussion

General Discussion[off-topic] what is wrong with the humankind

[off-topic] what is wrong with the humankind in General Discussion

    Well that is just blatantly false."

    what the fuck do you know? your imaginary "girlfriend" who is both serb and croat? go play with your passive bots kid


      "really everything bad that happened to serbia they deserved it."

      at least we dont look like monkeys who crawled out of the zoo for bananas LOL




          yeah instead you're a virgin faggot with no friends who plays dota 24/7 LOL


            serbian wet dream:


            how mad are you right now LOL



              Sampson was banned for making a thread that had to deal with mixed race people (Dotabuff does not allow interracial mixing therefore it was locked)

              Somehow this toxic thread is fine tho :P

              So to answer your question, no I am not Sampson. Sampson died :(

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                You do know Serbia ( Jugoslavija ) was in top 3 economic forces in Europe? When assholes like you ate with wooden forks or hands in 15 century , every house had golden forks and shit?

                You know Tito was one of gratest man who ever lived ( in political point of view )? Not mine words, but a lot of presidents said that.

                You do know that guns that are in today usage , 60 % of it comes from Kragujevac , and gun factory?

                You do know , if wars and Milosevic didnt fucked us badly, we would be one of greater force in Europe.

                Go to fucking school, pathetic hater, and learn thing or two.

                Edit : i just saw you put map according to cetnik. Fuck off x2

                Also, Concede, dont trust everything you studied. Truth is way changed.

                But, Serbs are brain damaged ( especialy politician ) so that is gooing good for us.

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                    wave seems upset that normal people find loving relationships.
                    Also, why you think a person can't be ethically Serbian and Croatian (as a Serb and Croat parent) is beyond me. Especially considering the whole region was unified as Yugoslavia for the greater part of the second half of the Twentieth Century.

                    "at least we dont look like monkeys who crawled out of the zoo for bananas LOL"


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                      'Serbs are brain damaged ( especialy politician ) so that is gooing good for us.'

                      yet poor Sampsons threads get insta locked at the POSSIBILITY of someone being racist


                        Bro, atleast you have relationship. I am trying to find my balls to just fucking say hi to a girl i fell in love.


                          Pretty sure the mods will be locking this one when they see it.

                          @shiba - eh.... if you know her then saying hi shouldn't be an issue, and if you don't know her you aren't really in love with her, you are just infatuated with her, which is perfectly fine.

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                              Stop trying to find excuse for racism in every tread that is off dota 2


                                @concede, my bad, i intended to say, i had a crush on her, and i am too shy to speak to her.


                                  if u are too stupid to realize saying all serbians are brain damaged is racist then you are too stupid to be posting. Sorry you uneducated child :P


                                    Just , you said that, not me.


                                      ooo so you are a child that makes your comment understandable. I dont expect 12 year old children to understand the world


                                        Here we go again. Sampson for the love of God, move along. I am not here to get a cocky guy giving me internet tips/tricks. Move along.

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                                          want me to teach you how to talk to girls?


                                            Idk what the commotion between serbs and croats is but why do you hate eachother for something your parents and political leaders did/didnt do?


                                              btw shiba, I know you are 12 years old and all but Mods can view when you edit/delete a post. I know you think you are a sneaky little boy but that is not the case :P


                                                Hundreds of years of history there.... extremely complicated.

                                                No one here is going to provide you with an accurate answer.

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                                                  I dont care, thay can see, and it would be better for me to see it.

                                                  Like i give a fuck, what some black nigga who study sociology gonna think about me. Please.

                                                  Oh, and im 21, so you can suck me ;-)

                                                  It is above legal age.



                                                    Locked Thread...

                                                    Any time now...


                                                      yea pretty much everyone in Europe and Asia hates their neighbors. Every single neighboring country in that region hate each other.


                                                        you are 21 and you are too shy to even talk to a girl..........maaaan there some late bloomers in here


                                                          @wink, mentality , mostly. Serb hate them for starting wars, they hate us for same ( in an nuthsell )

                                                          As Concede said, a lot of things happened here, which resulted with hate.

                                                          Also, i am glad, recently, the hate seems to go away. I hole it will dissapear once and for all.

                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                            sampson doesnt look black, hes more of a brown turd to me


                                                              Same in north america and south america... Moral of the story: everyone hates eachother

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                                                                I had a problem with my ex, which resulted in a big trust issue with girls ( in a past year ) which led to shyness and fear.

                                                                It is funny, whenever i hit your nerve, you change topic.


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                                                                  this fucking guy is like every serb that has ever existed, he thinks his country is a superpower rofl. newsflash retard 99% of the countries in europe can take a shit on serbia any time they want and you can't do anything about it. this is pretty much why serbs deserve to get bombed

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    regular are you croatian?


                                                                      As i said, and read again, we got fucked preatty badly in recent wars ( in last 20 years ).

                                                                      Wave, let him. You cant explain to turds

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                                                                        Isnt croatia in the same condition? -.-


                                                                          Mostly, yes

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            croatia is in bette condition, it wasnt bombed or nuked by nato like serbia was.

                                                                            fucking cities in serbia were bombed to ashes, a chinese embassy caught explosion and chinese government was close to go to war vs usa


                                                                              @Wink - Not really. Croatia has better trade and tourism and a generally stronger economy.

                                                                              @Wave - At no point was China anywhere even remotely close to going to war or considering going to war with the U.S. / Nato due to the Embassy being hit. That is an absurd statement.

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                                                                                croatia doesn't have a problem with nationalistic neo nazis making most of it's population so they're fine


                                                                                  change the subject? Do you want me to talk about myself? You are the one who tries calling me a nigger to get a rise out of me (every non idiot on this forum knows I only used that to get Hael banned)



                                                                                      If you asked about economic status, then then yes, same shit.

                                                                                      But Croatia didn't got bombarded. Also, please regulator, there are neo nazi party in both Serbia and Croatia, they even share the same name.

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        "croatia doesn't have a problem with nationalistic neo nazis"

                                                                                        are you kidding me? do you know what ustase is? people still sympathize with them and think they'll bring croatia into a new "superpower"


                                                                                          But if serbs are neo nazis, why do i often hear from unrelated people that serbs are nicer? Also ive neber met a neo nazi serb or croat before

                                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                                            so regulator, are you a bosnian or albanian?


                                                                                              @ concede, china was really close to war with usa after that accident. USA appologized , Russia intervened, and Chine backed up.



                                                                                                the thread has the anime avatar protection from locks.


                                                                                                  Wink, it is called stereotypes . We cant get rid of them , no matter what we do. One thing i can say to you. No where in Europe, you would get a better welcome, then at Bosnia , Serbia or Croatia houses. Trust me , i can bet my life on that

                                                                                                  Edit : ofc there are imbeciles, but tell me one country where they dont live?

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                                                                                                    No. China was never even remotely close to war.

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      lol if you want to survive in serbia, get a serbian lighter and just pretend to be serbian, do the same in croatia.
                                                                                                      i remember when i saw a bosniak with a bosnian symbol on his lighter, it wasnt pretty what they did to him after it.

                                                                                                      this is of course the best way to survive if you smoke, if you don't then just pretend to be a canadian tourist because nobody likes american tourists