General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do games get decent at a high frequency?

When do games get decent at a high frequency? in General Discussion

    My MMR Skyrocketed the last 6 Weeks from 3.5k to 4.3k. I just stopped flaming (mostly, sometimes even ghandi would get mad). My question is: "When does the game get better?" At wich point the retards and trolls disappear. I have no prolbems with someone having a bad game, but trying to do well.

    But the trolls i faced today were just...

    WD, and Lich were both complete cunts. Did not buy wards the entire midgame (me as void did it). We roshed 2 times. 1 time lich just took the aegis. The other time wd took it. Just to annoy their team.

    Pudge going mid and starting feeding rampage. Hooking allies etc., killstealing, taking aegis. Just 100% trash.

    SD beeing afk for the first min. Picks ULTRA late. Does not buy wards or sentries the entire early game. Killsteals whenever he can. Ench going afk farm mode (for her defence, she had only 3.2 k Solo MMR and was with her mate).

    Kunkka randoming to compensate his goldloss (late as always). Goes offlane. Feeds ursa. Buys a shadow amulet. Does nothing and surfs on facebook.

    I played 7 games today. In 4games I had Trolls or ppl that refused to play their role, that just tried to throw. There was onyl one game I played carry, where I did not have to buy supportitems at a certain point.

    The game needs real Admins. Just give players benefits in items or some other shit, if they want to handle reports. That would remove trolls way faster.

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      4.7k here.

      I can say never

      SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

        at any level you're going to get people who flame, pick like shit, throw, etc. (5185 MMR at the moment, not as "elo heaven" as i thought it would be)

        i'd say half of my losses in the 5k bracket are me playing extremely badly (or playing heroes i'm unfamiliar with), and the other half is my team throwing the game when things start to look grim or if they get upset

        i also get matched mostly with 4900-5600 players, so i assume they experience the same thing. there is no "level" that will eradicate what you consider "retards and trolls." what you can do is improve your own skills with a small hero pool, and play those.

        playing with higher skilled players =/= playing with smart and considerate players.

        in the end, solo queue is simply each player looking out for him/herself.

        Game is hard

          Looks like youve gotten very lucky with teammates. Your kdas in your wins arent impressive.


            kda isnt the most important part in dota and lucky teammates can't carry you 800 mmr
            I have no idea why people have the need to hate on everything for no reason

            Quick maffs

              You should expect less from your team, i dont know why people expect so much seriously.

              I mean look at your name, you need to 1vs 9 in dota pubs this is how always has been, there is no need to get mad about it.

              Some people are like that they expect their supports to know how to do stuffs to buy wards etc, that aint happenning.

              Of those 4 loses only 2 were literally imposible to win ( the pudge and the kunkka ones ) the other 2 even if they didnt want to support at least they did good HD.

              Quick maffs


                I think what he means is that the games he is winning lately he doesnt have a lot of kills and low deaths like you should try to do to carry your team usually in pubs

                Bot (Passive)

                  it honestly never does

                  once u get 5k+ u might get some games where its mainly high 4ks and 5ks but even at 5k-6k you end up getting stuck with 4ks which means u run into the same problems as the people in the 4k bracket

                  and usually at ~4k people buy obs/sentries a lot

                  and as for kda it really should be higher, seems like you die too often (play more passive?) but i doubt that matters right now since ur playing a LOT better than the average player at your level so wp

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                    because anyone below 5k (especially 4k's) have some kind of brain deficiency which makes them unable to win games on a consistent basis.

                    DeFi Maxi

                      there is no consistency in RMM , that's a fact. even in 5k u get weirdo teammates.. I am already used to it , just enjoy the game and mute retards if necessary ;)



                        there are people like this everywhere

                        retards who take void's last hits as witch doctor and flame void for not buying a quelling blade


                          i had a naga freefarm last night that refused to get an item cause she wanted radiance.... ruined the game and guess what! never finished radiance!!!!!!!!!!

                          fed fed fed fed and bitch didnt even have boots

                          and bitch didnt even farm correctly

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                              Never. Trolls exist at every bracket. Id say the higher the bracket, the higher is the number of trolls. When ur bad ppl most of the time arent trolling, they just lack game sense in general.

                              Yesterday i watched a first page game with over 800 spectators that a Timbersaw fed intentionally because a Void did dive with 100 hp and no one tp'd.

                              Ples Mercy

                                They never fully dissapear, you will get less but you won't completely get rid of em.

                                I'd say from 5,2k+ the amount of idiots and trolls are the lowest.


                                  I played Vs the highest possible mmr and my mate trolled me so Never.

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                                    Decent games start in the 4700-5000 range.