General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 50 WR and built

Top 50 WR and built in General Discussion

    anyone know who is the best with WR? help me please, need inspiration to play WR


      I'm the 5.
      Just buy boots and dagon lvl 5, you will create space and get ez kills.


        Can you say me your mmr?

          2.5k mmr
          but dagon? everyone will get ez kill with dagon
          is dagger legit to WR?
 is my built in this match good? if bad give me advice


            I play WR quite a lot and here is my 2 cents:

            -Always have some escape. Either blink or force staff(but force staff is better cause it also gives you some stats).
            -If you build orchid try to rush it, the earlier you get it the better.
            -Try to go for cc and nuke rather than carry. WR can carry but when she's faced with the hard carry stars(anti mage, pl, ck) she gets wrecked. If you wanna carry go for semi carry.
            -Save focus fire for buldings, because it doesnt do much dmg to heroes(that's unless you go carry)
            -Try to make plays with her. Always be mobile. Force staff blink and windrun helps you with that.
            -If you see that a teamfight is lost don't stay and fight needlessly. WR is pretty squishy and if she gets stunned you won't escape easily

            For the item build(if you wanna go for cc/escape/utility):

            Early: the standard gg branches, with tangoes and a ring/salve
            Laning: Ring of basilius gives you some stats coupled with some mana regen, wand,boots and tp scrolls
            Core: Arcane/Phase. Go for arcane if you are mana starved/playing support. Force staff -> gives you int(which means mana regen,dmg etc., hp regen and the infamous escape). The escape is the one that makes WR such a slippery hero(if you combine it with windrun). You can also build a mek after you get brown boots but then again you need to rush it in order to have it by 15 mins(that's when mek is most eficient)
            Late/Situational: Eul - if they have an annoying hero you want to disable in a fight
            Hex- ditto
            Shiva - good against rightclickers, also the blast is good for enemies that have high ms(slark, death prophet, spirit breaker)
            Rod of atos - same as shiva but instead of armor you get some hp

            Buy dagon only if you need another nuke BUT don't upgrade it cuz it's useless. IMO dagon should be considered more than situational.

            EDIT: Always carry a tp scroll

            Este comentário foi editado

              can u check in match above built? that built sounds greedy for WR but focus fire damage can be amplified by orchid and maelstrom


                Here what you should've build in that match:

                First and foremost mek. It helps the team greatly with that heal and aura. No one had it, so you should've built it. The orchid pick was good mainly because of pudge, qop and silencer. The blink was unnecesary. You build blink when they have heroes without gap closers, hooks(pudge and clock) or global skills. Because if a pudge hooks you, you can use blink.
                A gem vs razor would've been nice. Also i think that eul/hex wouldve fit better instead of maelstrom. Mainly because they give you and extra disable that you can use on the enemy carry. Heck even halberd is good on WR for the disarm active.

                Lastly shiva could've also worked if razor/void got fed.

                Oh and don't take ult at lvl 6. It's worthless because you don't have enough dmg(and it even halfs it) so if you use it you'll be shooting blank attacks. Max powershot first then stun then windrun and after that take ult. Also start with 1 point in windrun for escaping in case of danger.

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                  enemies have bad farming since i do offlane and gank everywhere, also blink and force staff just for helping sniper from ganked. He's greed and suck, also can't have good position


                    Ok, really good build for windranger:
                    -If u are in offlane, u can get the mekansm in 9-13min, so it's a great advantage for your team have an early mekansm, and in late game u will not have great mana problems if u not madspam your skills with wr.
                    -Also you can do orchid, but in offlane is a bit difficult to make an early orchid, if i did it in offlane was cause we have a squishy (idk how is the correct word) enemy heros like weaver or antimage.
                    -If u want to go to late game do a mollonhir for after break the lanes u can farm faster.

                    But really, if u see a team like: sniper, weaver, cristal maiden, ursa or heros with low base Hp, you can rush a dagon and fuck them all


                      If u want to get ez shacles do a blinkdagger, but i think with the forcestaff u can get it nice too, and with force u get decent regen and more mana (Perfect for the wind runner :D)

                      King of Low Prio

                        ignore X6

                        he is 2k MM troll


                          I played on a team with better players than u and i have like +50 games with windranger in team mode vs ppl with +900 wins.
                          Don't talk if u are a pussy Sampson.

                          You only want to make me angry for i call u Ugly black shit for be banned by a mod.

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            He types like English wasn't his first language, but I'm starting to think that it's not the case, and that he's 12


                              No, english s not my first language, i'm from Spain, and in the school the englis is very bad teached.


                                Mek is so stupid on wr. She should be played as mid/safelane as with little lockdown she can burst down carries like AM,PA,Luna really fast later

                                Buy maelstrom and get force staff then build aghs and get DPS from there depending on your enemies


                                  I normally play Windranger as a utility offlane.

                                  Blink OR Forcestaff, you rarely ever need both in my opinion. You can setup good shackles with a forcestaff if you know what you're doing. Also you can forcestaff out of Meat Hooks and Chronospheres if you have a decent reaction time.

                                  Mek's great for Windranger because you know why. Also allows your supports to buy more wards.

                                  Scythe is great as it allows you to land an easy Powershot and Shackle.

                                  Linken's Sphere makes you even harder to lock down. With a Forcestaff, Phase Boots, Windrun, and Linken's you're almost as slippery as Weaver.

                                  I've seen some people get Shiva's Guard on Windranger, they're slowed + you're fast. And good +30 Int for Windranger.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I have played with 5.8k MM players too, does that mean I absorb their MM and become them? No.

                                    stop trying to use other peoples achievements as your own.


                                      Ok my trash 4k friend... tell me more please

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        did a 2.2k MM player just call me trash, how amusing :)


                                          im 4k right now fucking trash


                                            i just 2.5k mm guys ><
                                            with lot of weird built and pick


                                              Perfect build for help your team: Phase Mek force and vyse

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                everyone starts somewhere

                                                X6 is just a extremely low MM player (2.2k) who is know for blaming everyone but himself for his rating. I think he believes that there is some conspiracy within valve keeping him from participating in TI

                                                Your best bet to see high level support play is to watch Notail stream.


                                                  not too dificult

                                                  Everyone loves Chibi

                                                    In my opinion, best WR atm is definitely Arteezy. He plays it mid with Aghanims + mjolnir build and does pretty damn good with it. I dont like it playin full support or offlane, there are so many better heroes atm.


                                                      Tell me why not offlane windrunner, u can stack anccients without get out the offlane, u have a good range for lasthit creeps and a good scape.


                                                        simply because if you face an aggresive trilane you're fucked(something like cm, vs, and wraith king). You can evade attacks but you can't evade stuns


                                                          I think X6 suffers from multiple personality disorder.

                                                          he may be a smurf, but he has 45% win rate on a new account, so he obvious not someone to be listened to. Starting to think he really is hael.


                                                            I'm thinking i'm hael, tell me how much is hael out from dotabuff?


                                                              I hate it when people rush Aghs on her. They should make something useful like Bloodstone.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                Her and sniper both, all these noob dps builds when you could be spamming assassinate with bs from 2 screens away like an actual sniper


                                                                  bad hero like lina, unless you can land shackles in which case u should go mid and rush mael (rtz) or go blink/hex
                                                                  Other heroes are just better


                                                                    Better than 3.75 sec double stun? Nah...

                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                      so I tried the maelstrom build on her and the right click dps was still trash(imo). What about desolator? From what I saw if a hero like furion or qop gets a deso he starts hitting hard. Also is works with the ult.

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                        Maelstrom is amazing if you use it with her ult since every attack can proc the chain lightning. Plus it increases her farming rate with the AoE. Idk what you were doing with it, but it's a great item on her. Heck, it's a great item on pretty much any hero that wants cheap DPS.

                                                                        Deso isn't bad on her, but IMO Malestrom + Aghs is a better option for DPS. The cooldown reduction and the ability to do full damage with your ult is fantastic.

                                                                        EDIT: Is this the game you were talking about?

                                                                        Your build is all wrong for semi-carry WR. If you're going semi-carry rightclick DPS WR Phase > Blink > Maelstrom > Aghs > MKB is the way to go. However your team stomped so really you could have built whatever and it would have worked.

                                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                                          I guess I have build it too late. If I remember well I had it after phase, mek, force staff. Does the time when you have mael matter? I mean is it like the earlier the better?

                                                                          no I obviously didn't want to go for semi carry but when I saw that the match was already won, I wanted to try the maelstrom pick on her. I usually go for utility/disable on wr

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                            I mean obviously the earlier the better for anything. The order of the build is pretty fluid so you can skip blink and go for Mael earlier if you want, but Blink is way better than Force for setting up Shackles so you should definitely get it instead of Force. Force is more for support WR since she's going to be needing it for escaping instead of initiating. Semi-carry WR you want to blink in, hit a shackle, and ult (or Powershot > Ult if you don't have much rightclick yet).

                                                                            The build I mentioned above is meant to take full advantage of the attack speed of her ult. Maelstrom procs in addition to the minibashes from the MKB (100 magical damage per proc) are very powerful with the max attack speed from her ult.

                                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                                              I also didn't build aghs so I guess that's why I was hitting so low in dmg


                                                                                Yeah the 30% damage reduction to 0% reduction is a pretty big deal in addition to the CD going from 60 to 15.

                                                                                Hex Sigma

                                                                                  Anyways I am going to try a deso build just to see if it works :D


                                                                                    THIS ONE IS DEFINITELY NOT TOP 1000

                                                                                    bitch kept firing arrows from her tower and bottle crowing like crazy. almost killed myself

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!